Last night I posted to the LJ story I did last year for
venilia for the Narnia Fic Exchange, Food For Thought. It's without the pictures of course and I tweaked it a bit. If you missed the story, before, it's
here on and
here, complete, on LJ. I'm curious whether any of those who avoid my work due to its (perceived immoral) content will check out Food For Thought given the rating and description. (I even took out the words ass and crap a few times). I suspect not, but we'll see. I admit that was one of my reasons for posting it as an alternative to the long, angsty and combative things I was contemplating last week. I need to get the whole thing up, pictures and all, on AO3, but that's going to be a while.
The previous meme has turned into an awesome free-for-all and it's now
econopodder 's fault that I'm contemplating the point of view of Artoo Detoo. With
knitress the three of us spent a long time discussing Leia and what is and isn't known in the Star Wars EU about Padme after we saw the Avengers. Really, I don't want to go back to Star Wars fic. Really. I've not even managed to get up all the Stuff chapters and that's finished (which should also go up on AO3, eventually). Oh, for those of you bound for CJ Con, have a GREAT TIME! So jealous!
As Clairel asked, I'l post that my monarda (bee balm) is doing much better.
I've got some comment fic floating around now in the last couple of entries, so I'll collect that after I write something about Jill and Eustace hanging out in Canada in the TSG AU for Clairel's ask in the meme. As for Harold and Morgan, 4,000 words of one chapter done, 15,000 or so in the next, so it's going.
She wasn’t nervous. Maybe she should be. Aslan was… well she wasn’t sure. He was real. He was really real. He was really a real Lion. The Narnians were all so happy to see him. Mostly, Morgan felt a growing anger as she studied her list of talking points. She had so many questions and she could already tell she'd was probably not going to get answers to many of them. Are you the cat I dream about? Where did they come from? Are you going to send them back? Is that what you mean about what came to Narnia could leave the same way? Why don’t they remember where they came from? Did you make them forget?
First things first. She'd start with the easy one.
Morgan took a deep breath. “Why am I the way I am?”
“What do you mean?" the Lion asked.
“Why am I so different?"
The Lion was silent for so long, things were obviously off to a bad start. If he wouldn't answer something this simple and basic, he surely wasn't going to answer something really important, like Why did you keep Narnia under Jadis for so long and why did you let Harold meet her?
But finally, he said, "I do not understand your question, Morgan. Why do you love so fiercely? Why do you give your loyalty to others? Why do you do the right thing, for the right reason, with no regard to the consequences to yourself? ”
“Well, I was really wondering why I’m so peculiar. Wait…” She groaned and clutched the list in her fist. “See? This is what I mean. You just complimented me and I didn’t even think to say thank you.”