A few of my favorite and not so favorite things

Mar 04, 2012 18:34

I have, finally, a complete draft of the NBB.  Now it is time to edit, with the wonderful help of autumnia who has patiently endured my early draft, complete with misspellings and typos.  Amine_eyes was going to help too and I'm just so lucky to have such great support.  (I've been through a real bout of the OMG IT SUX recently.  autumnia has kept me from chucking it all into the river).  It needs work, but it is getting there.  I am so fortunate and absolutely giddy with the prospect that heverus will be doing the art!!

There have been distractions, some good (cyndisuesue visited unexpectedly and this was divine!) and others not so good, especially some very serious illness among several in my village.  Also the state of the US political dialogue has been especially grim and I find myself in a perpetual state of grimace, and I'm not sure that following the Think Progress tweet feed has been good for my blood pressure.

Also, today, I timed the distance it takes for an egg to fall with parachutes of varying sizes for my teen's science project.  We did this about 20 times and happily the egg broke on the last round, thereby proving up the hypothesis that even a small parachute is better than no parachute.  Words to live by, yes?

Which come to think, is a bit of a metaphor for the NBB.  I keep thinking that, gosh, I've not done anything but the NBB for months.  Except that NBB author sign ups were on October 23 and since then, I posted chapters 10-14 of Apostolic Way and the recent chapter of Harold & Morgan and just wrote the NBB from scratch.  Never tell me the word count, but I'm sure that's over 100,000 words since October 30.  So... yeah...

I read the Hunger Games and really enjoyed it.  I know the basics of the whole story and we are all now eagerly awaiting the release of the film which so far seems terrific.  Yeah, I know, trailers, but still, I am enjoying what I see.

Some true delights come from adaese and wellinghall who have provided pictures of the Cat Window at the Oxford Museum of Natural History and a link to a page of Sir Gwaine and the Green Knight on display at the Bodleian Library at Oxford.  This was C.S. Lewis' own edition, with his own annotations, and edited by JRR Tolkien and EV Gordon.  So, I shall share the pretty pictures and they are in my Scrapbook.


I have been watching Once Upon A Time, but if they don't get make it less monochromatic fast, I may drop it in disgust.  I am getting really fed up with the default to the Disney-ification at every turn.  Disney cast members in the parks and the adveritising on the show are more diverse than the show itself.

With more of my RL and Old Fandom Friends migrating over to this account, once I came clean with them about this latest fandom obsession focus I think I might start posting the occasionally personal over here, which means F-locking.  I mention this only because some people I hear from pretty regularly don't have LJ.  It's not that my RL is so very interesting, but just a head's up.

oxford museum of natural history, narnia big bang, ouat, in progress, lewis, feel the f-list love, real life

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