Blame Be_The_Moon -- Egotistical Meme

Apr 02, 2010 23:37

So my whining in the previous post generated a Harold and Morgan Plot The Narnia Census comment fic courtesy of autumnia  keeperofqkeys and min023 I burned the dinner but it was fun.  On the plus side, thanks for the lovely comments.  I'm at 7,337 words, of which I'll probably use most of it, and I'm not half done, so that means probably another two parter.  The problem is that there isn't an easy place to split it.  I'll know more as I work it.

And then be_the_moon  goes and posts this utterly brilliant meme.  I don't do memes, but she promised she'd comment something, so here goes.  It's rather egotistical, but I (hope?) that's the nature of the beast and no one gets offended and it's all in good fun.  Just move along.   And on to the meme:

Ask me a question about one of my fics -- characters, plot, what happened before or after, what the writing process was like, what scenes I cut or changed, other ways the fic could have gone, relevant bits of backstory/headcanon/worldbuilding, what a certain line or scene meant or was in reference to, what various characters were doing offscreen, or anything else you can think of. Questions can be as silly/serious/sexy as you like.
+ OR
Give me the title of a story I've never written, and feedback telling me what you liked best about it, and I will tell you any of: the first sentence, the last sentence, the thing that made me want to write it, the biggest problem I had while writing it, why it almost never got posted, the scene that hit the cutting room floor but that I wish I'd been able to salvage, or something else that I want readers to know.

Remember, be_the_moon you promised you'd comment!

And for those of you who celebrate it, Happy Easter!  It is a joyous day!

meme madness, harold and morgan, fan fic

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