I regret to say that my experience with the bigotry, misogyny, and homophobia of the last few years prepared me for the US election results. I found despair and disillusionment, and experienced the power of those voices, several years ago and so expected this result though I so wished to be wrong. The only good news in this is that this has meant my shock is not as acute because I've already been there for a while and, in my privilege, am not at risk. Still, there has been a lot of stress baking, Corgi petting, and avoidance for the better part of 6 months. So, I am so sorry that I've not responded to you and thank you so much for reaching out to me. It will take awhile to get through 200+ emails and reviews on this account, never mind the dozens of unread stories. But going forward, please understand that I can be here for you if you need it.
So, watch this space. I did a long blather cross-posted
here on why I do not believe that women and families will lose altogether access to Plan B, drug-based contraceptives, and the pills that induce medical abortions because the process to remove FDA-approved drugs from the market when the manufacturer doesn't want to remove the product is very difficult and long. In other words, I think for the time being, you can cross off your list, "stockpile Plan B." That comment was long and blathery and I am not familiar with the processes by which medical devices are removed from the market, like IUDs and some implants, so I'll update with something concise soon.
When I was trying to comfort someone at 3 AM on Wednesday morning, I told him how important it was that he continue his creative efforts to tell others about the works of fiction that he enjoyed and found hopeful. We need that more than ever, I told him, and don't let despair stop you.
I recognize in this a call to create in our fiction the world we want to live in. The reason I returned to fandom in 2009 was that I thought we were on the cusp of creating that world in RL. Alas, this is not true. A quote I used in TSG attributed to Gandhi was "Be the change you wish to see in the world."** And so, for me, it will become "write the world you wish to see."
(**BUT, lots of people aren't ready for that call and commitment and may never be. No pressure, OK? This HURTS and is scary. Grieve as you must and take your own damned time about it.)
This entry was originally posted at
http://rthstewart.dreamwidth.org/130416.html. Please comment there using