Nov 01, 2009 01:37
Yesterday I had an epic e campaign to get great seats to see Wicked in Dayton. I can't really afford an NYC trip, so Dayton will have to do. It was a challenge. I managed to trick the system to reserve a really good seat and keep it reserved for a long time before the tickets actually went on sale. When they did go on sale the system went nuts, but I still managed to get the ticket. Last Sunday matinee 4th row dead center. There weren't many ticket left as most went to season holders, so I got the best of what was left. I'm excited. I preplanned like crazy. I thought to myself, "Hmm...later is less likely to have blizzards and if there is one at least if I see the matinee I'll be driving when It's light out for the blizzard conditions" Staying home is not an option. I was cheap as heck last month, used tutoring money and cash from grandma to be able to buy my one ticket. My friends are not interested, so I go by myself. I'm okay with that. It means I don't have to worry about other people while I'm enjoying my show.
Halloween wasn't my best as far as introspection and personal truths went. I did figure out some things I didn't realize about myself in terms of how I came to be the way that I am and why I don't trust my mother at all. It was that time of the month, so a lot of my thoughts were, "Ouch. These cramps suck!" It was nice though. I always get a very warm peaceful feeling on Halloween. Mom is in Cincinnati, so it's extra peaceful. I'm in a great mood :)