Into Tempatation

Oct 29, 2009 01:40

What a great movie Into Temptation was. Kristen was amazing and I really enjoyed the way the priest was constructed. As a gay, I tend to view priests negatively. This one was really cool. The movie made me cry like crazy at the end. Like for at least a half hour solid and the movie had finished. It was good. It's also on the watch instantly if you have netflix people who may stumble upon this.

I had a crazy day Monday. I went and tutored.I get paid a bit, but not very much( way sub minimum wage). It's mostly just to get out of the house and to help a friend. I like to help my friends. Anyways. I stayed later than usual to help some other people in my class then I went to go buy cat food. Totally got a ticket. There was no where at all to park, so I tried a commuter lot. It was after 2 and they open to the public at 3. It didn't work out so well. Since I stayed late I couldn't get to parking services before they closed (you can get one ticket forgiven and it's my first). After getting cat food and calling my grandma, I went to meet my dad and sister for dinner. Town was way closed down for a trick or treat thing. I would up in a horrible traffic backup. Then someone was trying to get out of a spot in front of me. I backed up a tiny bit to let them out and put my blinker on to park. I was like. YAY! Some jerk goes and stands in the spot and is like all, "I have to park or I'll fail a class." I don't buy that for a second. You can miss any class right now cause of swine flu. People are out like crazy and it's accommodated. Also, he was out of the vehicle, meaning he could obviously walk to class if he wasn't the one driving. Anyways, he made it so I couldn't get in the spot and this his partner in being a douche pulled in behind me when I was trying to parallel  with some jerk making it so I couldn't. I missed the only movement we'd had in forever for nothing. I was livid. I was getting anxious from the traffic and being late...PMS was not helping matters. I finally made it to the parking garage and got to eat with Dad and Annie before they were finished. That was good. After dinner Daddy bought me ice cream. I love my Daddy.

Tuesday I slept a bunch. I didn't sleep well for a few days, so I was really nice. Today I designed my last wepage for one of my classes. I still have to fill in the content and make a vid, but it shouldn't be too bad. My other work doesn't look to bad either. I'm excited for halloween. I like to spend it in quiet contemplation. I'm in like party central, but I like my way. It's better than Christmas. Mom won't be here (jealous of her getting to see RENT in Cinci with her boyfriend). I debated dating someone way older than me who contacted me on OKCupid as It would be fun to go on dates nice places and they had a nice job.I just couldn't do it. I just get weirded out when people are way older than me. I'm way too long term. I don't want to lose my spouse when I'm still young. I know age isn't a guarantee, but I've lost people I've been close to before. It's too scary for me, at least for now.

That's all that's going on. I am going to Parking Services and tutoring tomorrow. Either I'm loaning my sister my car, or taking her to the store after I tutor.I want to be home by 5:30 though for trick or treat. I like to give out the candy to cute children. <3
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