Jun 10, 2009 19:00
Well, I figured that I should post an update since I realized I left off rather angsty at the end of my last message. Things are going well in some areas. I'm feeling a lot more chipper and have my anxiety far more under control. I am chaning my grad program to one where I only have to go in 3 saturdays a term. This should let me get a job and maybe even move to Columbus where there are gay people to meet and things I can actually do. This makes me happy. I am also trying for an alternative lisensure thing to teach comp sci in sunny florida. I really do hate winter. My grandfather is doing alright now. It was touch and go for a while, but they were able to surgically remove the cancer. My aunt who was in remission, now has brain tumours. This doesn't look too good. It's sad, but I can accept it's what happens when you smoke multiple packs of cigarettes everyday for decades. She has kids though and it will be rough. Mom is often questionable with her crazy internet dating and i think it will make it worse. She's alsopossibly in line to get the kids, which I doubt would end well since Mom has some serious issues. I will be there for her, but I might need to move on the quick (since we share a place while we both go to school). We were having issues before, but things have been pretty good lately. I'm really feeling a lot better about life and my prospects. I think I can do things I want to do and I'm tired of delaying things until a better time. Life really is too short and tenious to put things off. I really want to take a chance a meet new people.