The man story

May 17, 2005 20:08

Here is my first bit about "The Man Story" that I am trying to write. I cannot decide how sreious I am going to get with this, but I would greatly appreciate your input regarding the topics I am going to try nd cover in the near future.

I also went to see "Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxie" and thougt there wer many differences to the book, I loved it all the same. I still Mourn the loss of Douglas Adams. He was a clever mind and humorous writer. If there is a God, my Douglas be with him Now.

This is a bit about a game called "Soggy Biscuit". If you have any stories about something like this, I would be grateful to hear them.

Till then,

"My beloved has an older brother named Marc. There was once a story she told me about an activity that he had taken part in a time or two. This activity she called “Soggy Biscuit” and the game is very simple. You and a group of you male friends all get together around a biscuit, and as a group expose their erect penises for the purpose of masturbation (each to their own pillar of manhood, so to speak). Upon the moment of climax, the individual would approach the biscuit and place upon it a deposit of his own genetic material. This game continues till all of the “contestants” have completed this task, whereas the final player, or the one who has not fulfilled his genetic destiny, is labeled the loser and gets the opportunity to eat the biscuit and all that has been left on it by his friends. Dayna has never told me if Marc was ever a loser, but I really do not want to know either. One thing I can say about this from personal opinion is that I would (should I ever find myself in this scenario) that I suffer for a bad case of pre-mature ejaculation.

Though I have read a couple of interviews with the band “Limp Bizkit” they have not admitted that the name could be synonymous with the event depicted above."
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