Drabbles: Almost

Jan 18, 2017 09:44

Author/Artist: huldrejenta
Title: Almost
Rating & Warnings: PG, some Remus-angsting
Word Count/Art Medium: 4 x 100
Prompt(s): #26: First person POV, present tense. #48: Almost.
Summary: Remus can almost convince himself this is for the best.
Notes: Yay, so happy to write R/T again, even if it's very short. Unbeta'd, so feel free to let me know if there's any glaring English mistakes :)

She's done it. Just now, standing by the kitchen counter here in Grimmauld Place, pouring herself some tea. She’s said the words she’s not allowed to say.
Sunlight is tilting in through the window high in the wall, and she sits down, starting to read The Prophet with a focused wrinkle between her eyebrows. Just as if nothing’s happened. Just as if she hasn’t pulled the rug from under my feet with her words.

Despite her best efforts, though, I can see it. The way she clenches her teeth tighter than usual. She’s hurt because I’m not saying it back.

The words almost slip out of my mouth. Not the words she used. No. I know they aren’t for me. I’ve made my peace with it.
But other words want to be let out. They push to break free. Words about how much she means to me. Words about how it’s like being young again; to get to know her and build a friendship. I had almost forgotten what that does to me. What that does for me.

Somehow I manage to keep my mouth shut. I may be selfish but not quite selfish enough to say it out loud.

I’ve asked myself, once, or maybe twice, in the hours just before dawn and my usual defences have abandoned me. I’ve lain awake with too many thoughts in my head, feeling too warm with my sheets covering me, feeling too cold if I pull them off. When did you know you’d end up falling in love with her?
A part of me knew from the start. She came to that first Order meeting, brighter than the sun. And then she smiled at me. The werewolf. Just as if I was one of them.

That was the first of many steps.

A long row of tiny steps, all leading in the same direction. I’ve tried to put the brakes on after every single one. Can’t say I’ve been very successful.
And now these steps have led us here. To the kitchen in Grimmauld Place. Her saying what I desperately want to hear. What I can’t give in to. I know she doesn’t understand why I keep pushing her away.
But one day she will. One day she’ll be grateful that she’s not bound to a creature like me. And I’ll be able to move on.

I almost make myself believe it.


twelfth night tales 2016

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