Fic: What Friends Will Do

Jan 17, 2017 21:04

Author: gilpin25
Title: What Friends Will Do
Rating & Warnings: PG - none
Word Count: 3775 words
Prompt(s): #38, "It was foolish, it was wrong, to take so active a part in bringing any two people together."; #29, Charlie Weasley pays a visit; and #18, "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
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#18, twelfth night tales 2016, #29, #38

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starfishstar January 19 2017, 22:00:43 UTC
I love the two of them reaching a detente, here at the very middle of the awfulness that is both their lives during HBP, finding a way to come together and find solace together despite all the questions of their relationship still being unresolved! That bit where Tonks thinks about how neither of them has it in them to have another fight about their relationship right now, with everything else they're dealing with - that makes so much sense. And I love how you've given them the maturity to recognize that, and to have a chance to take strength and comfort in each other's company even so!

Everything about this set-up, with all their friends conspiring to get them this evening together, is a great use of that "to take so active a part in bringing any two people together" prompt!

This line stood out to me, because it's such an excellent description of them during this time period:
Near lovers, who have declared love but not made it, and are now pretending to be just good friends.

And was this deliberately a tiny bit a critique of JKR for not writing Tonks in HBP quite as well as she could have done? Because I can't help but read it that way. ;-)
It’s a good job it’s not a book as it’s a rubbish plot.

Also, couldn't help but grin at this line, both because it's funny, and because it's written in exactly the kind of phrasing JKR uses in the books, to get away with having characters swear in a children's book, by not actually showing the swearing:
Remus says something very rude and un-Remus like, which makes her snort.

I agree with Tonks' assessment that just because nothing’s been resolved and no minds have been changed, that's no reason to think this evening was not a success! A much needed reprieve from their physical and emotional separation in HBP.


gilpin25 January 27 2017, 22:12:46 UTC
I'm usually taking the easier option at this time and writing OotP Christmas fic, when it's simpler to find a way to have a cheery outcome! But I couldn't resist using the 'take so active a part in bringing two people together' prompt in Murder on the Orient Express style (they all did it ;P)), and I wanted to do something that wasn't another round of the 'I don't care' arguments. Besides, I thought it feasible that Remus, always thinking himself bottom of the Important People List, would never see this coming, whereas Tonks -- thinking him far from that, for obvious reasons -- fairly quickly would.

Harry thinking that Tonks seemed much older and more purposeful when he saw her, was stuck in my head as well when writing this. Hence I wanted her to be the one who has matured enough to know it's not the right time or place to sort personal issues, and that for now it's enough they can talk. I love that you describe it as a detente and a reprieve, because that's exactly what I was aiming for. I worry that it's a bit too neat and nice, but... it is Christmas and they need a break!

And was this deliberately a tiny bit a critique of JKR for not writing Tonks in HBP quite as well as she could have done? Because I can't help but read it that way. ;-)

Honestly, I didn't mean it that way, but maybe my sub-conscious did! LOL.

Also, couldn't help but grin at this line, both because it's funny, and because it's written in exactly the kind of phrasing JKR uses in the books, to get away with having characters swear in a children's book, by not actually showing the swearing

*snorts* I went through a few swear-y options, but it wasn't right. This may be the one and only time I've sounded like JKR!

Thank you for such kind words and a lovely review. :D


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