Fic: Taking Leave (excerpt)

Jan 13, 2015 00:00

Author: shimotsuki
Title: Taking Leave (excerpt)
Rating & Warnings: PG, no warnings
Word Count: 670
Prompt(s): #6, argument

Summary: Time is running out; soon, Remus must leave on his mission to Greyback's pack. But Tonks doesn't want to let him go before he sees reason.

Notes: This story was meant to be the next piece in the Kaleidoscope series, picking ( Read more... )

twelfth night tales

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Comments 6

gilpin25 January 16 2015, 22:44:56 UTC
Oh no. Just when Remus was relaxing, and just when they were really talking again, disaster strikes. Not so much in the shape of a 'tall, burly man' but you leaving us there!

Joking apart, I shall be hoping you manage to squeeze some writing time in soon as this promises a great deal. From the title (argh) to the warmth between them. Can't wait. :)


shimotsuki February 6 2015, 04:47:16 UTC
Ack, I'm sorry for the late response! Thanks so much for popping in to read such a short little cliffhanging excerpt, heh. I'll be working on this in odd moments -- your encouragement is much appreciated. :)


starfishstar January 19 2015, 19:12:59 UTC
Oh, ack, horrible! (The prejudice of werewolves being what's horrible; your writing of it is great and affecting!) Poor Remus. This really shows how something awful like this can come and turn even the pleasant moments completely sour for him at any time, without warning.

And Madam Rosmerta's moment affection and grief over Sirius is really moving!


shimotsuki February 6 2015, 04:51:21 UTC
Ack indeed...for me taking so long to reply here! But I really appreciate the comments -- motivation to finish the rest of the fic. ;)

This chapter will be tough to write, but one of the things I want to show is that Remus does have real reasons to worry about being bad for Tonks, so I'm glad that point stood out for you.

It was fun to write Rosmerta -- duckorrabbit used to write actual Sirius/Rosmerta, so while that ship isn't in my ficverse, this was a little hat-tip to DoR.


huldrejenta January 20 2015, 09:26:30 UTC
Oh! Really looking forward to reading the rest of this, even though I know it's going to be sad.
Talk about bad timing, causing a scene like that just when Remus and Tonks were finally communicating and Remus started to peek out from behind his shield. Tonks has a long way to go :/ Love how you wrote this scene!


shimotsuki February 6 2015, 04:53:01 UTC
Oh, no, I'm sorry this response is so late! But I really appreciate the comments. They will be inspiration as I try to finish the chapter, for one thing. ;P

Tonks does have a long way to go! HBP was not an easy year for these two.


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