We're now open for posting!

Apr 25, 2014 17:45

Here's how:

1. When your fic or artwork is finished, you can submit it in an entry directly to rt_morelove.

2. Please use the following header:

Rating & Warnings:
Word Count:

3. Tag your entry with "springfest 2014".

4. Place your entry under an lj-cut and submit.

If you leave one or more prompts on the SpringFest prompt post, you'll get posting access and can post as many entries as you like until Friday, May 16th. No extensions this time around ;)

You don't have to formally claim the prompts, as long as you say which prompt(s) you've used once you submit.

Please note that you're free to leave prompts even if you don't intend to post any fics or artwork :)

Once you have submitted your fic/artwork, you're free to repost it on other sites.

We're looking forward to seeing some new and exciting R/T love in the following weeks!

springfest 2014, community info

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