Title: Perfect Fit
Author: Liz Black
Format & Word Count: drabble; 153wrds
Rating: G
Prompt: Prompt 25
Warning: none
Summary: Tonks and Remus kiss, for real!
Author's Note: I was writing to much angst over at
potterverse100 so my last few prompts (like this one) are happy, because I don’t think I could handle writing more angst. But expect some soon, I finished with the angst over there…for now.
Day: February 25th
In starlit nights I saw you
So cruelly you kissed me
Your lips a magic world
Your sky all hung with jewels
The killing moon
Will come too soon
- The Killing Moon, Echo and the Bunnymen
He couldn’t believe it was happening. One minute he was in his own little dream land pretending she liked him just as he liked her. It was his happy little dreamland full of, well, happiness.
He wasn’t a werewolf, he wasn’t thirteen years older then her, and he had ogles of money to spend on her, and she defiantly thought he was the sexiest man alive. That had been his happy little dream that no one knew about.
The thing was, she apparently was having similar dreams, though she told him he was himself, nothing more, except only more willing to kiss her back. Kind of like now, where his mouth was finally responding to her gentle caresses with her lips.
He figured, he was too old, too poor, and too dangerous; but, she was too young, too hyper, and too dangerous, being clumsy and all; so they were perfect for one another.