Fic: Questions

Mar 31, 2008 10:13

Title: Questions
Author: pinkhairedauror
Format & Word Count: Ficlet, 458 words
Rating: PG
Prompt: 30 (Picture prompt - wolf)
Warnings: A wee bit of innuendo. And crack.
Summary: Puppet shows. Fun for the whole family!
Author's note: Er... I had to do it. AU!

Teddy was a little over four years old when Remus and Tonks decided that it was time for him to start getting a taste of the muggle world that they'd both been somewhat exposed to as children... and started taking him to puppet shows. After a few times, they didn't even need to remind him to not morph his hair; he seemed to enjoy the performances so much that he didn't want to stop watching them. It was, of course, pleasant family time, and whenever possible, both his parents were with him.

It was a nice sunny Saturday in August (no, let's be honest. It was a very, very HOT Saturday in August! They each of them had a water bottle in their hands) when they took him to see The Little Red Riding Hood. It was easy to see that the boy was interested, but by the end there was a little frown on his face. Tonks thought that she ... knew what the problem was, and was expecting the volley of questions about wolves, why everyone thought the wolf was necessarily bad, and so on.

They were coming out of the theatre, in the bottleneck at the doors, when Teddy looked up. She briefly met Remus' eyes as he was opening his water bottle, then looked down at their son with a smile.

"Mum? I have a question."

"Yes, love?"

"That clothes that the girl was wearing? They look a lot like something that you were ironing the other day, doesn't it?"

Her husband choked the water through his nose, which really saved her from the need for an immediate answer. Or having to meet the eyes of several of the other parents who turned towards them in the crowd. "Are you all right?"

He answered as soon as he's caught his breath. "Yes, I'm... fine." She could barely stop herself from laughing, both at the question and at his reaction. ... or at the fact that both of them were, technically, blushing, and it had nothing to do with the heat.

Trying to contain her mirth, she tightened her fingers around Teddy's and tried really hard to sound bland.

"It's... an old Halloween costume, love." Well, that was true. Didn't mean that she'd gone to Halloween with it on a public party. Or that it was only used on Halloween.

"Oh. That's nice."

She grinned, then steered away from more question with an offer that she knew he wouldn't resist. "Ice cream now?"

"Yes, please!"

When they were out in the open again, and mostly out of hearing of the rest of the audience, Remus breathed out, "nice save."

She nodded, then her eyes twinkled up at him. "Well, it is a nice outfit..."


pinkhairedauror, prompt 30

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