Fic: Attention

Mar 26, 2008 01:55

Title: Attention
Author: pinkhairedauror
Format & Word Count: Ficlet, 513 words
Rating: G, I think
Prompt: 22: Picture prompt: Flowers
Warning: None... ok, somewhat... fluffy?
Summary: Remus has a present of simple field flowers... and of course, a dose of apologies for the unlikelihood of being able to give more elaborate bouquets...
Author's Note: Again, attempt at... fluff. And Tonks attempting to reason with him too. Dating, I'd say late HBP-ish.

Tonks' head whipped at the door, fingers curling around her wand at the very click of the doorknob; but what appeared though the crack wasn't somebody's wand spitting curses - but instead, a bouquet of field flowers, held together by the long, familiar fingers.

She still bounced off from her seat and walked over to the door, wrapping her hand around those fingers. "Remus! These are lovely!" His palm was cool to the touch, but not too cold - and she was glad about that.

"How did you know it wasn't somebody else?"

"Well, for one thing," not many people actually give me flowers, "I can kinda recognise your hands. And your height is also somewhat remarkable, and when you poked the flowers through the door, they were pretty up high."

"Ah. I see. Do you really like them?"

"Oh most definitely!" She collected the bunch from his hand and buried her nose among the aromatic, if unpretentious, blossoms. "Very much indeed."

He stepped into the room and leaned in to peck a kiss on her nose just as it was coming out of the bouquet. "I am glad. I... I am afraid field flowers is likely to be the best I'll usually be able to give you--"

"Oh don't start again--"

"It's not like I don't want to present you with blushing roses and baby's breath arrangements, Dora. I can't."

Not letting go of the flowers he had given her, she slipped an arm around his waist. Maybe what she was going to tell him wouldn't work again, but it was still worth a try.



"What are my favourite flowers?"

"Oh." He barely took a moment to think of the answer. "Hyacinths."

"Yeah. And listen to me now, please. You just gave me a better gift than the most elaborate, expensive, exquisite bouquet could ever be."

He frowned, but she didn't even leave him to ask. "You - are paying attention to what I am telling you. You remember. It matters to you, whatever I am saying. That? No money, or flowers, or riches can substitute that for me. It's attention and respect that you give to me. Unique. Irreplacable."

"... oh." She could almost feel that one slowly sinking in.

"Also? I like field flowers. I loved gathering them since shortly after I was able to walk." She paused for a moment, then went on with a grin. "It took my parents years to explain me why when the flowers were outside, they could bloom for a long time, but when I picked them up, they'd die quickly, in my room." She lifted her eyes and met his gaze, holding it gently. "Don't take what is good and put it out of place, love. I adore things as they are. Don't try to be something else just because you think I may want it. I ... only want what is."

He smiled, and leaned to kiss her forehead. "Whatever did I do to deserve someone like you?"

She smirked quietly, then quipped. "You... paid attention." ... eventually.

prompt 22, pinkhairedauror

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