Prompt Seven: A Hard Day's Night

Mar 13, 2008 12:51

Title: A Hard Day’s Night
Author: gijane7702
Format & Word Count: Drabble-ish/189 words
Rating: PG13/R
Prompt: #7- The Post-It notepad on the fridge
Warning(s): innuendo; nakedness
Author's Note(s): RL has been so hectic!! Gah! I’ve written practically nothing for this Challenge! It’s my day off…expect a few more postings. Unbeta'ed...sorry!

My apologies to Paul, John, Ringo, and George in advance.

The Post-It magnet stuck to the fridge was glowing blue. It meant the message was for him (pink was for Nymphadora). Remus waved his wand at it and to note popped off the pad and, in his girlfriend’s voice, it liltingly sang to him:

Meet me in the bedroom. Come naked. Love you lots, Dora

His exhaustion instantly vanished. It had been a grueling and tiring day standing watch with Mad-Eye Moody and absolutely nothing had happened the entire time. Whistling to himself as he ambled down the corridor, and stripping as he went, Remus haltingly paused in front of the closed bedroom door.

“Dora?” he called, knocking quietly. The door swung open silently and Remus cautiously poked his head inside, wand at the ready.

“Just going to stand in the corridor in your birthday suit and wand, darling?” He spotted Nymphadora reclined in the middle of the bed, naked as he was, and relaxed. “I heard you had an exhausting day with Mad-Eye. Would a massage do you any good?”

Remus’ smile was broader than the Cheshire Cat’s as he stepped over the threshold and into their bedroom.

gijane7702, prompt 7

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