Prompt 5: The Sound of Silence

Mar 06, 2008 07:03

Title: The Sound of Silence
Author: summoning_muse
Format & Word Count: Ficlette, 757 words
Rating: PG-13 (barely)
Prompt: 5: Pablo Neruda poem
Warning: Hmmm....... Nothing, really.
Summary: She would burble, he would listen, and then a wonderful silence would fall over them, and she never wanted anything else more in the world.
Author's Note: Ehh, rushed. I'm falling behind like DOOM on these- I have prompt 3 completly written up, it just needs to be edited, and 4 is giving me a LOT of trouble, and I wanted to get ONE out of the way. Because I'm super busy tonight. I'll probably catch up over the weekend. For now? Heh. Obviously, lyrics in the cut/the name are from Simon and Garfunkle's "The Sound of Silence"

The Sound of Silence

Tonks was unable to stay quiet for more than a few whimsical moments at a time.

Ok, not really. If she had to- during a mission or something- she could certainly keep her mouth shut. It’s not as if she had some disease to the contrary where her mouth always had to be blubbering out oddities, though she wondered sometimes. But Dad jibbed that she was born gurgling a thousand spit-bubbles a minute, and she didn't really doubt him on it, either. She just always had had a good deal to say and a mind that refused to stay coherent or connected to the same thought for more than a second at a time. And so not only did she have a good deal to say, she had a good deal of different things to say.

She was infamous for once talking about mutant bunnies living in air bubbles on Mars during an Order meeting, which had somehow come out of a perfectly legitimate talk about politics within the ministry. No one had, as of yet, let her live it done. She remembered something about comparing Scrimgeour to a hyperactive bunny on an Speed Charm- which, of course, didn't fit him at all, but amused her deeply, and then she mentioned maybe they should all just send him to Mars, with You-Know-Who- as well, and that would solve all their problems, and wait, would bunnies be able to live on Mars and-

By this point, Moody had both his eyes focused on her as if she was Severus Snape doing the hula naked. Waving around coconuts. With little shiny tassels on them. .. It wasn’t good.

Remus, by contrast, was very quiet. He wasn't shy, but he kept his thoughts mostly to himself. He would observe things; with those deep lovely eyes of his, and take mental notes on almost bloody everything. She wondered how many pages of notes he had in his mind about her, about her every whims and oddities. He’d mention on times she fascinated him, though she couldn’t see what anyone like him could see in her- what anyone as lovely as him could see in silly-old her.

She didn't, necessarily, ever think she would end up with some bloke who could chatter as much as her- they'd be forever competing over something to say and that wouldn't work- but she did expect someone young, exciting, insane. The sort of blokes she had eyed casually before and Mum would shake her head over and sigh dramatically. Of course, she was a child of the 70’s, the rebellious 70’s, and Tonks had enough stories on her to bring up any bits of hypocrisy she felt like.

She much preferred it this way though. She loved his quiet, she loved the way his eyes rested on her as she would twirl around and fall on her arse- and the way he would chuckle and help her back up. No one had ever helped her up before. They would shake their head at her, but they wouldn’t just smile and help her up. Every time it made her heart race as if she was still in Hogwarts and crushing on some seventh-year Quidditch player. She felt silly about it, and had told him so. He had pointed out it was as if he was crushing on some first-year and she had crossed her arms and stuck her tongue out at him. He then proceeded to interesting things with her tongue which completely drove off the concept of being a first year.

It was as if he was in some other world than the one they both currently inhabited, but his world was filled only of her. At these times, there was no Order, no war, no brooding (but loved) cousin- none of it, just her, and it scared her so much and filled her up with hope. Of times when this all would really be over, and being with him forever- blabbering on while he smiled, quietly, and watched her, with little munchkins running around and causing her to trip over their toys. She never thought before she waned it, and she now wanted nothing more in the world. And it scared her.

But most of all, she liked when he was quiet- and she was quiet- broken only by soft sounds, as their bodies molded together and their lips messed, and he would then whisper non-congruent nothings against her neck, and the sound- of silence- was the best in the world.

summoningmuse, prompt 5

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