Fic: Of Muggle Clubs and Discos

Mar 02, 2008 18:07

 Title: Of Muggle Clubs and Discos
Author: bookish_brownie
Format and Word Count: ficlet, 694
Rating: PG
Prompt: 2, picture of woman's hair
Warning: none, except unbetaed and un-Britpicked
Summary: Tonks has a late night conversation with Remus.
Author's Note: I would love to get constructive criticism on this. I especially feel like the end is a little abrupt, but I wasn't sure how to fix it. I hope you enjoy this piece of fluff.

Tonks slumped into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place, a far cry from her normally chipper self. "Wotcher, Remus. I’m surprised you’re awake."

"Good evening, Nymphadora. Or should I say ‘good morning?’"

She glanced at the clock and groaned. "I can’t believe it’s two o’clock. I have to be at the Ministry in five and a half hours. Remind me never to agree to go out with my mates again. I’m knackered."

"Yes, I can see that. You didn’t even chastise me for using your name." Her scowl was rendered ineffective by the yawn that escaped her. "I hope you enjoyed yourself at least. You give so much of yourself to the Ministry and the Order. You deserve to have some fun with people your own age."

"Oh, yes, I had a bloody magnificent time." Sarcasm suffused every word. "We went to a club filled with kids with fake IDs, barely overage teenagers, and men old enough to be my father. Worse, it was a Muggle club so I decided to wear my hair in more conservative style."

Remus looked at her with quiet amusement. "Don’t smirk at me, Remus. I’m in the mood to hex something. You’ll be my target if you’re not careful."

He raised his hands in mock surrender. "My apologies. I was simply wondering why, if you can wear dark hair with pink streaks, can’t you just morph your normal pink?"

"You’d be surprised at the differences in the reactions I get." Her tone clearly conveyed that the subject was closed.

"Ah, well, I’m sorry you had a disappointing evening."

She sighed. "It’s alright. I haven’t seen my friends in ages. And I haven’t been to one of those clubs since my second year of Auror training. It makes me appreciate how much I’ve grown up."

"Yes, the Order will do that. Sirius will probably never forgive me for telling you this, but he used to like to go to discos." He grinned.

"No!!" Tonks practically squealed in delight.

"Yes. I believe I have some pictures somewhere of him in very, shall we say, interesting polyester suit."

"Thanks, Remus. If he ever makes a crack about my clumsiness, I’ll be sure to bring that up."

"Just leave my name out of it."

"Oh, I’m sure he’ll never guess who told me." He glared at her in a rather convincing fashion.

"Anyway, the point is that he couldn’t stand them after he’d been involved with the Order for a few months."

"Yeah, I mean, clubbing was never really my thing. I only went because my mates did and you were supposed to enjoy it."

"I know how you feel. But, you know, not all clubs are bad." He shifted almost nervously, and Tonks couldn’t imagine why. She didn’t think she had ever seen him nervous.

"Oh, no?"

"No, there’s this Muggle jazz club that I’ve been to a few times. It plays good music and the atmosphere is…um, nice." Remus seemed to be having some trouble getting the words out, and she was still confused. "So, er, I was thinking that you might like it if you ever have a free night."

She blinked several times. "Are you asking me for a date?" Part of her had been hoping that he would for some time, but she didn’t think it would actually happen.

"Well, if you’re…interested. If not, I understand." She could have sworn that his cheeks were tinged with pink.

"I’d like that a lot." She smiled at him reassuringly, and he regained his composure.


She nodded enthusiastically. "I probably won’t have another night without guard duty or a Ministry shift for a few weeks, but I’ll be looking forward to it." She looked at the clock again. "Well, I really should try and sleep for a few hours. Good night, Remus." She tentatively kissed him on the cheek as she walked past him on the way upstairs to her room.

"Good night, Nymphadora." She didn’t even have the heart to tell him not to call her that. Instead, she went to bed and floated away to pleasant dreams of her and Remus and Sirius in a powder blue suit.

bookish_brownie, prompt 2

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