(no subject)

Mar 02, 2008 18:41

Title: Boat Trip

Format & Word Count: Drabble, 558 words
Rating: G
Prompt: second one, the pink hair.
Warning: A bit AU, as there's Teddy.
Summary: Remus, Tonks and Teddy are going to France on a boat. Tonks thinks it's wonderful, Remus is a tiny bit paranoid. Teddy's just lovin' it.
Author's Note: I had to include baby Teddy, because it's Mother's Day, so this is AU.

It seemed almost impossible that they were going on holiday after everything they'd been through, but they really were. It had been her idea-to take a break from everything and go somewhere as a family to relax and have fun. It wasn't really their first family holiday-if taking Teddy to the beach near Shell Cottage had been a holiday-but the opportunity had been too good not to be taken.

"Remus, allez chez nous tout de suite! Nous te manquons tellement, et nous voulons voir ton petit garçon en chair et en os. Et ta femme, bien sûr."

Remus's French relatives, who had not seen him since he went there with the Marauders at eighteen, were very excited that he had, like themselves, finally settled down and had a family and were desperate to see him again. His old grandmother had been thrilled with the photo of Teddy he had sent them when owl post became safe again, though it had been a little awkward to respond to his cousin Evy's lustful queries about "ton bel ami, Sirius".

Unfortunately, le petit garçon was only seven months old, and using a Portkey would be very dangerous. So, they caught the large boat that left regularly from Dover to Calais, which allowed its passengers to spend some time in the open British wind while they prepared to sink into the Channel. And so Remus, Tonks and Teddy stood on the deck of the mighty vessel (well...the mightiest they were ever going to go on) and looked out at the fading white cliffs.

Tonks was as excited as a child a quarter of her age, standing as close as she could to the railings and letting the wind whip her pink hair. Teddy, who was strapped firmly in a carrier attached to his father, was excited by it and watched it dance. Remus looked dubiously at the waves.

"Dora, don't you think the sea looks a bit choppy?"

Tonks turned round and rolled her eyes. The proximity of their infant son was making her sweet husband awfully paranoid.

"Remus, it's going to move a bit, it's got a gigantic ship going through it."

"I will be much happier when we're underwater. Although that also sounds a bit unsafe, come to think of it." She leant forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"It can't be more dangerous than flying over the Channel on a motorbike."

Unpleasent memories surfaced to Remus's mind. 'Sirius, are we nearly there? Please say we're nearly there!' 'Remus for God's sake let go of me!'

"That is true." he agreed. Tonks leant forward a little and looked into Teddy's bright eyes.

"You're not afraid, are you, my little sailor? You're a brave boy, like your Mummy!"

He smiled at her, and his chubby hands reached for her hair like they always did.

"You're a brave boy, Dora?" Remus asked cheerfuly, feeling somewhat better.

Just then, a horn blasted so loudly that the small family near the door lost balance with attempt to cover their ears.

"Will all passengers go inside the boat, we will be descending underwater in ten minutes."

Tonks turned to Remus with an excited smile. "I've never done this before, it's so cool!"

Remus took a step towards the stairs, with a hand on Teddy's full head of dark blue hair. "Allons-y"

"Remus, come to ours immediately! We miss you so much and we want to see your little boy in the flesh. And your wife, of course."
"...your handsome friend Sirius"
"Let's go."

prompt 2, carnivalgirl

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