Fic of DOOM part 2

Aug 30, 2007 19:44

Title: Untitled [Part 2/3] *Suggestions for the title are STILL welcomed!*
Author: LizetM
Format & Word Count: Fic, 2237
Rating: PG
Prompt: 26, style: crossover
Warning: Some mild swearing
Summary: They were in a sticky situation, Remus took them to the first place that came to mind.
Author's Note:
1. This did not go where I had planned it to go, but I more or less like the result.
2. This was written rather quickly (cuz sis HAD to use the computer) and unbeta-ed, so there might be some spelling errors.
3. I clearly do not watch enough House. So please disregard all the lame medical lingo. Ta!

Oh, this takes place during OotP, and for the House fans, after season 3.

Almost there…you’re almost there. Just keep going, don’t drop her. Whatever you do, don’t collapse on the street with her like this.

They had been walking for just a few minutes now, but every step he made started a chain reaction of unbearable pain that had caused him to nearly drop Tonks on her arse about three times already. He was walking as fast as he could, battling the weight of her on his arms, the cursing pain running all over his body, and the cold wind in the air, suffocating him.

He had to try and at least get her to the front doors of the Emergency entrance. He had to.

“Remus…” she said, her voice just short of a whisper.

“Yes…Tonks?…” he asked, gasping as he went.

“It hurts,” she had lifted her head for a split second from his shoulder as she said it, and let it drop heavily after she was done. Any other time this would have pleased him, but it this wasn’t one of those times; it just worried him even more.

“I know….” he said, “Just hang in there…please.”

She hugged his neck tighter, and he walked on.

Finally, they reached the hospital grounds. The lights coming from the building shone disturbingly bright against the gloominess of the sky, illuminating the vast number of trees and bushes, whose shadows were reflected on the ground as he walked by.

He was just about to turn towards the big read letters of the Emergency entrance, when the doors of the main hospital building opened. A tall man with a walking cane and a woman in heels walked out, they seemed to be arguing.

“House,” said the woman, “You can’t just leave him like that!”

“What do you want me to do?” responded the man, “He’s stable at the moment, let the ‘kids’ take care of him. I’m going home, get my beauty sleep.”

“House,” she sounded annoyed. Looking to see that no one was around, she said, “You really trust them? I mean YOU trust THEM? Interns?”

“Yup,” he started walking in Remus’s direction, “Unfortunately, you gave each of them all my contacting information, so if something happens, and even if it doesn’t, they’ll just ring me up. Kids these days, so polite and resourceful.”

“And you’re going to pick up?” They were now getting close to where Remus stood, Tonks not making a sound in his arms.

“Nope,” he answered, “They-”

There was silence. He was looking straight at Remus, but the woman seemed not to have noticed because she asked “What?”

He said, “Call a team.”

“What for?” asked the woman, looking at the man like he was crazy.

“Cuz,” he pointed towards an unconscious Tonks on the arms of a swooning Remus, “He’s about to collapse in…” he started counting, “Three…”

As he stared at the other man, Remus felt the blood from his legs leave him…


He fell to his knees, but held on to Tonks’s body in his arms.

“…One… Told ya.”

Those were the last few words Remus heard as he fell completely onto the pavement, darkness engulfing him.


He was running, running like he’d never run before. Spells and curses rained from everywhere, blood was the accessory of every person involved, and pain was the devil in his body.


He turned and saw her, fighting two of them at once. He dispatched himself of the one he had been fighting, and turned towards her, helping her get rid of the biggest one.

When both had fallen, yet he knew soon more would come, he grabbed her wrist and turning slightly to his right, Disapparated.

There was suddenly darkness all around him, and she wasn’t there! He was no longer holding on to her wrist…she was gone.

He called her name, “Nymphadora!” and again, “Nymphadora!”

No response, he panicked. What if one of the Death Eaters had gotten her? She could be dead.



“Dora,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse.

“She’s fine,” said a male voice coming from his left, “For now at least.”

Remus opened his eyes then, and instantly regretted it as bright light blinded him, making him squint. Slowly, he opened them again, letting them get accustomed to the light. They winded in surprise for a brief moment as he saw where he was.

In a hospital.

He was lying comfortably on one of the few beds in the room, the mattress thin but soft, the sheets white and warm. His arm felt numb, and he gasped as he saw the medical ‘cable-like’ things that connected him from his veins to that weird beeping machine besides his bed. He was even more surprised when he looked down his chest, saw he had been eradicated of his clothes, and remembered that this was a Muggle hospital.

He suddenly looked towards the direction where the other male voice had come from, afraid to find him with his robes on his hands, waiting for an explanation to why he wore such clothing.

Instead, there was a Muggle man, wearing a black shirt, faded blue jeans, and sneakers, that sat on a small, one-seat couch on the corner of the room to Remus’s left. His walking cane reclining on the glass wall by his side. As Remus studied the man, who had resumed his ‘handling’ of the weird device in his hands, a lollipop to his mouth, he remembered the events of the night before. He remember seeing the man as he made his way to the Emergency doors, remembered he was arguing with a woman, and he remembered, finally, that he had felt Nymphadora go unconscious against his chest, just before he collapsed onto the pavement and everything went dark.

Panic ran through his system again. Where was she?

He turned to his right, a large, bald, black man laid on the his side on the bed besides Remus’s, fast asleep and snoring; he too had those cables to his veins.

She wasn’t there. Where was she?

He decided to voice his question.

Clearing his throat, he turned towards the man on the chair once more and spoke, “ Excuse me,” the man didn’t look up, “Excuse me,” Remus persisted more loudly. Finally, the man looked up.

Not bothering to remove his candy from his mouth, he said, “Yeah?” He looked bored.

“You brought me here, right?” Remus asked, “From outside?”

“Me? No, I’m crippled. See the cane,” he gestured to the cane resting by the glass wall, “Kinda hard for me to carry a full grown man all the way up here, isn’t it.”

“But then-”

“Chill,” said the man, and returning to his ‘device,’ he added, “Cuddy called a team to get you and your…friend inside.”

“Where is she?” Remus asked, hoping the man would answer without sarcasm.

He failed.

“Who? Cuddy?” he asked, momentarily looked up at Remus, then said, smirking, “She’s in her office, of course. Probably kissing the ass of some rich sponsor.”

Remus sighed. This man reminded him of Sirius when in a bad mood.

“No,” he said, “I meant my…the woman that I had in my arms as I fainted.”

He had almost said his girlfriend!

What the hell is going on with you Moony?

“She’s in the ICU, duh,” he was acting like a little kid.

“The ICU? What does that mean?” He was so confused. Though he had Muggle relatives, all this medical lingo was nevertheless new to him.

The man looked at him, that bored expression never leaving his face, “The Intensive Care Unit. Where patients who are relative screwed up are kept?!”

“What is wrong with Nymphadora?” he asked.

“Aside from her name?!” the man said, chuckling, “What kind of horrible mother gives her child a name like that?!” He snorted, and it instantly made Remus dislike him more than he already did.

“Please answer my questions,” he said through clenched teeth. Nymphadora was a beautiful name. And though she always used the “Don’t call me Nymphadora” line whenever he did, he couldn’t help but feel that she enjoyed when he, and only he said it.

“She has a few broken bones,” the man finally said, “but more than that, she lots quite a lot of blood. She’ll probably stay there for a few days before she’s moved here.”

Remus fell silent. If he only could’ve gotten her out of the fight sooner. If only they had planned their mission strategy more accordingly. If only-

“So, who was driving?”

The man’s cheerful voice broke the troubling thoughts running through his mind.

“What?” Remus asked, confused.

“Must’ve been you, then,” he said, “if you can’t remember. Probably a little too much booze in the system too, huh?”

Remus was thinking hard.

Did the Muggle man think he and Tonks had gotten in a car accident? He almost snorted at the thought. Like a little car accident could cause this much damage.

But why not? It was a perfect explanation to why they were this injured, seeing as in the eyes of this man, he and Tonks were also Muggles, with no means of fixing with magic the little wounds a car accident caused.

“Um, yeah,” Remus lied, “Well yes to the driving, no to the drinking.”

“Uh-huh, sure, whatever you say buddy.” The man clearly didn’t believe he wasn’t a drunken bastard, but Remus didn’t care. He needed to see Tonks, to see for himself that she was alright.

“Can I see her?” he asked.

“You’ll have to wait a bit longer,” came a female voice from the doorway.

She was the tall, slim woman he saw arguing with the man sitting on the couch. She wore very professional-looking Muggle clothes: a black skirt just above her knees, and a white blouse that showed off her appropriate cleavage. She had dark brown, curly hair and blue-ish, green-ish colored eyes. Remus could tell by her posture and the way she looked at the Muggle man, that she was authority around here.

“How long?” he asked her.

“Until you are better. Though you aren’t as hurt as she is, you still need time to heal, so rest.” She then turned towards the man, who was playing with his device again.

“House,” she called after him, “You’re supposed to be in clinic duty!”

“I was on my break,” he told her, never taking his eyes away from his game device.

“Since your shift started?!” She was shooting daggers at him with her gaze.

“I’m disabled, remember?” he said, “It takes me twice as long to get myself ready in the morning, and twice more than you to get here. I was tired. Come on Cuddy, give a guy a break.” He sounded like a child begging his mommy.

Pointing to the door, she said, “Go do your job, House. Your patient is waiting for an explanation to why he’s suddenly all well. Go see him now.”

“Nah, he’s fine,” he dismissed her.

“House, you can’t just let the ducklings handle everything!”

“The ‘ducklings’ don’t work for me anymore, remember?” he said bitterly.

“Fine, the ‘kids’!,” she said, “The point is that you just can’t have them do your job everyday for you!”

“And why not? I’m their boss,” he pointed at her, “You said I had free range over them.”

She shouted, “I said you had them at your disposition, but I did not say that you could treat them as your slaves!”

“Same difference,” he brushed her off with a hand.

“House-” but at that moment a beeping sound coming from the side of her skirt interrupted her. She looked down and grabbed a small box-like device that had some kind of coding in shinning letters.

She looked up at the man, and said, “I have the sponsor for our Cancer research program coming for a meeting, which you better NOT disturb, House, or I’ll fire you.”

Looking up at Remus, she said, “I need to go. Please rest. If you need anything, press that button on your left and a nurse will assist you. Your friend is doing well for the moment, I’ll let you know when you can see her.” Remus nodded; she smiled, until she turned towards House again.

“Go do your job House, please?” she was pleading, and this seemed to do it for the man.

“Fine, I’ll go,” he said, “Let me just have one last word with this guy.” Though he whispered that last part, Remus heard him loud and clear.

She looked briefly at Remus, then bent towards House and whispered, “What for?” She was interested now.

“I’ll tell you later,” he whispered back, smiling. Then, louder this time, he said, “Good-bye doctor Cuddy, you’ll miss your ‘meeting’ if you don’t hurry up. And you don‘t want to piss off the guy, or you‘ll lose the hospital money.”

With that she bolted up right, gave him a odd mocking look (which he gave back), and left the room through the glass doorway.

“She so wants me,” he said to Remus, who was again reminded of Sirius.

“What did you want to talk to me about?” asked Remus, not caring that the man knew he had overheard their small conversation.

The man smiled. Then, turning to grab his jacket from the chair’s arm, he said, “This.”

With horror, Remus saw the man take out his and Tonks’ wands from inside a pocket in his jacket.

“Care to explain?”

lizetm, prompt 26, august ficathon

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