Absolutely, Positively, Completely Sure (prompt 25)

Jan 25, 2007 09:40

Title: Absolutely, Positively, Completely Sure
Author: shimotsuki
Format & Word Count: Fic, 1136 words
Rating: G
Prompt: #25, 'Things without all remedy / Should be without regard. What's done is done.' - William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Author's note (added 31 Jan): This story is continued in Clearing the Table (prompt 28)
Summary: Andromeda wants her ( Read more... )

shimotsuki, prompt 25

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Comments 18

no_sweeter_song January 25 2007, 15:42:04 UTC
Awww, good, determined Tonks. I love that. As hard as she fought Remus, I can see her standing up to the parents. Makes me sad when the parentals don't agree, though. But hey, at least they wound up giving him a chance!


shimotsuki January 25 2007, 20:41:25 UTC
at least they wound up giving him a chance! Oh, I think Andromeda will eventually come around, like Molly has. Thanks for reading and commenting.


wizardelfgirl January 25 2007, 16:07:18 UTC
Clever ending, I liked it.


shimotsuki January 25 2007, 20:42:03 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad to hear it!


lady_bracknell January 25 2007, 16:22:57 UTC
Liked this a lot. I liked the way you played the difference between Ted and Andromeda, with Andromeda being the harder sell - which makes a lot of sense (I can't imagine that the shackles of her upbringing are that easy to cast off, and I can see her clinging to some old prejudices) - and even though Remus wasn't in this, I liked the idea of him wanting to make sure she'd told her parents first.

And for some reason, Andromeda's line - please tell me you're not going to marrry a werewolf - sturck me as almost amusing, since I can just imagine that this has just almost confirmed her worst suspicions about her daughter, what with those outlnadish clothes, and that Auror job, and now a werewolf for a boyfriend.

Nicely done.


shimotsuki January 25 2007, 20:50:56 UTC
the difference between Ted and Andromeda -- Oh, good, I'm glad that came through. I figure Ted's already had to get used to the entire wizarding world; how much worse can one werewolf be? And maybe his mother didn't like the idea of him marrying a witch -- or a Black, if she was aware of the significance of that. (Hmm, your comment has just given me the idea for a tiny edit. I think I'll go make Ted more obviously amused when he makes the lunar chart comment.)

I can just imagine that this has just almost confirmed her worst suspicions about her daughter, what with those outlandish clothes, and that Auror job, and now a werewolf for a boyfriend -- You know, I can see that too! And poor Tonks is trying so hard not to let her exasperation show (if not quite hard enough).


sugarannie January 25 2007, 17:35:25 UTC
This is a great story, and the last sentence is awesome.
I also really like the interaction between Tonks and her parents, it sounds really...real.


shimotsuki January 25 2007, 20:55:47 UTC
Aw, thanks -- I'm glad to hear it.


devonwood January 25 2007, 20:47:23 UTC
"I've just spent the last year and a half convincing Remus that this is what I want to do. Compared to that, your arguments don't stand a chance."

Tonks: 1
Andromeda: 0


Very cute. Even though Remus wasn't in it, he still had a strong presence. :D


shimotsuki January 25 2007, 20:59:10 UTC
Tonks: 1 / Andromeda: 0 -- Hee!

Even though Remus wasn't in it, he still had a strong presence. Yeah, I think if it were up to Tonks, she'd have had Remus meet her parents and make his usual good impression before she brought up any difficult topics. But I don't think Remus would agree to that at all!


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