Title - Impasse
Author - Joely
Prompt - #19, the photograph of the scar, #13, first person, present tense
Format and Word Count - Ficlet, 1, 365 words.
Rating - PG-13 for a bit of snogging!
Summary - The dangers of being in love with a wolf confront Tonks…
Author’s Notes - I apologise for the content of this, but it’s something I’ve always wondered
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Comments 10
Oh, and that line "as one of the dragons rises up to meet another and they clash in the sky, merging into one." was just perfect.
It's written very well, first of all. (Per your usual)
I really like your premise behind it; Remus attacking her as a werewolf is a very real possibility, and obviously one of his reasons in HBP, but I never really thought about it actually happening. It always occured to me that both would be far too careful about his lycanthropy. I love that you explored this possibility, and so very well at the same time ( ... )
I loved all of the imagery, namely "A shiver skids along my spine like an assassin" and "Behind my eyes, a werewolf prowls in shadows and I stand shaking and bleeding and wishing for morning to come."
It is an interesting concept- the 'Too Dangerous' portion of his mantra actually coming true. And the role reversal is great; Tonks doubtful of the relationship, and Remus desperately trying to pull together the pieces. She said "I don't care!", but now that it actually happened, she's slightly less taken at the idea.
Where were they that Tonks couldn't Apparate out? Or did she just choose to stay with Remus as the werewolf?
Lovely take on the prompt!
I want to subdue him, to impress upon him the kind of power a woman has over a man no matter what.
Love this line. I love the fact that even though Remus showed ultimate power over her by biting her that she now wants some of that power back.
Wonderful job! :)
Well done, Jo. I always think the 'worst' part of your fics/ficlets/drabbles are when I get to the end and see your 'The End' and the heavy, blue hr line, lol.
It's lovely, as always.
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