Title: The Same Colour
Author: SugarAnnie
Format & Word Count: Ficlet, 364 words
Rating: G
Prompt: #21, blue
Warning: none
Summary: Every other girl getting ready for a date is experimenting with different shades of eyeshadow and nailpolish. She is experimenting with the colour of her hair.
Author’s Note:I managed one on time!
She looks into the bathroom mirror, thinking about it. Every other girl getting ready for a date is experimenting with different shades of eyeshadow and nailpolish. She is experimenting with the colour of her hair.
Not that she’d change it according to the wants of any men. Not that they had not tried. As a matter of fact, the first few dates she’s had at school have, in retrospect, only taken place because the boys hoped she would. Remus has never asked her to do anything of the sort. It probably never even occurred to him that he could request something of her. And that with him, it would be much harder for her to even turn down a request like this. Even though she had sworn herself she would never do it. But she does not have to make that decision, luckily. Because he is not the kind of guy to request it from her. Instead, he always tells her how pretty she is, even when after a long day of working, she is a mess in her own eyes.
Now, what colour would be most fitting for tonight?
Pink? It’s her own favourite and all, but on the other hand, she’s using it so often, and she wants this date to be special. For the first time in weeks, she has been able to get an afternoon off, and can spend it with him.
Green? She changes it to different shades, but it doesn’t look the way she wants to look. If they are going to have a picknick or something, which she supposes they will, he probably won’t be able to see her when she looks like the grass around.
Any natural colour strikes her as too boring. No shade of red or blonde or black or brown is what she wants right now.
Blue? Yes, this is exactly what she wants. The same colour as the sky outside, a light blue, seeming to sparkle. Maybe she can change it to become darker later, when the sun has set. The idea pleases her.
When she meets him half an hour later, he tells her that her hair looks pretty.