Prompt Eight

Jan 08, 2007 17:37

Title: Honourable Intentions
Format & Word Count: Fic 893 words
Rating: PG
Prompt: 8- "The Professor" by Damien Rice
Summary: Bill tries to spare Fleur. She, in turn, goes spare.
Author’s Notes: A friend requested a little Bill/Fleur fic from another for Christmas. Reading that put this idea in my head, only I twisted it to Remus/Tonks!

Many, many thanks to
sea_thoughts who translated the French and for the beta and the Britpick. Translations are found at the end.

Molly Weasley looked up from her Witch Weekly at the shriek that resounded from somewhere upstairs. She glanced at her husband, Arthur, who hadn’t even looked up from his Evening Prophet, then did a mental check of who was in the house:

Ginny was in the living room, listening to the wireless while writing her letters to Ron, Hermione, and Harry, who were at Privet Drive. Apparently, Ginny and Harry had made up: Molly didn’t know the details, but she did know that Ginny would not be writing to Harry unless they were back together. She did still remember some things about adolescence.

Remus and Tonks, who had come for dinner, were with her, cuddled together in an armchair in front of the fire.

Fred and George were upstairs sorting through the Wheezes inventory in their old bedroom.

Charlie was with them… catching up. Or so they’d said.

Percy was… well, not home. But he had accepted his wedding invitation.

Mentally eliminating all of them, that left Bill and Fleur.  He was upstairs resting after dinner: although he’d made great progress, Bill was still recovering from his attack.  Fleur was with him.

Molly started at the sound of a slamming door and pounding footsteps on the stairs. The door opened once more, slammed again, and another set of footsteps chased after the first.

Picking up her teacup, she ventured into the living room. Fleur came slamming down the stairs, Bill hot on her heels.

“Mon chou-fleur, attente!” he called. A look of surprise spread across his face as Fleur stopped, and then spun around to glare at him. “Darling, I’m sorry!”

“Sorry?” she asked. “T’est désolé? How dare you even suggest…”

“Sweetheart, please…”

“Non! Je peux pas croire que tu l’as mentionné!”

Molly could tell whatever Bill had suggested had really upset her, because it had caused Fleur to revert to her native French.  A few scenarios went through Molly’s mind, but then Fleur spun around to face Remus and shrieked, “Theese es entirely your fault!”

“Qu’est-ce que j'ai fait?” From the look on Tonks’ face, she too had no idea that Remus spoke French.

“C'est vôtre faut!” Fleur shrieked again, ignoring his question.

By this time, Fred, George, and Charlie had crept downstairs to see what all the yelling was about. Ginny had stopped writing and was now popping Chocolate Frogs in her mouth, her head whipping back and forth from Bill to Fleur as if she were at a Quidditch match.

“What did I do?” Remus repeated his question.

Fleur’s beautiful blue eyes narrowed at Remus as she said, “What did you do? He got the idea from you!”

“Oh, bollocks,” Tonks muttered. “Nice going, Remus. First Harry and now Bill.” Beside her, Ginny nodded her agreement.


“He’s as bad as you!” she exclaimed, poking him in the chest. “Thinking he knows what’s best for her.”

“Oui,” Fleur agreed, poking Remus as well.

"Pardonnez-moi," he muttered, looking as if he wanted to Disapparate.

“Hey!” Bill said. “Thanks a lot, Tonks!”

She ignored him as Fleur turned to her and said, “Bill offered to ‘let me go’ because of his ‘problem’. He is…what did you say…?”

“Not whole and too dangerous?” Tonks offered, cocking her head to one side. “Yeah, I got that from Remus too.”

Both Remus and Bill glared at her.

“Oui!” Fleur shouted, pointing at Bill. “He es whole and pas dangereux!”

“Exactly!” Tonks said, giving Remus a look.

“Dora…” Remus began.

“Mon chou-fleur, I just wanted to…” said Bill at the same time.

“Non!” Fleur slapped her hands together, which was a very Gallic gesture that she only used when upset, silencing both men. “Non! Non!  Je t'aime, peu m’importe ton apparence, tu me compris?!”

She went off on a French tangent, so that Molly could only pick up a word here or there. Looking at Bill, she almost laughed aloud at the lost look on his face. For a split second she thought about not helping him, leaving him to flounder in the mess he had created, but then she took pity on her oldest child and said, “It was an honourable thing to do, Bill.” He beamed at her. “It’s exactly what Remus tried to do. But Tonks, and Fleur, are absolutely correct.”

Bill’s smile faded.

Fleur paused mid-rant, a look of shock flitting across her face as she realised that Molly was actually taking her side against Bill.

On the stairs, Fred, George, and Charlie were grinning and snickering.

Ginny giggled.

Tonks and Remus smiled at her, but were absorbed with each other.

“Give him hell, ma fille,” Molly finished, which earned her a beaming smile. She glanced at Bill and added, “There’s only one way to silence a Weasley woman, William.”

He grinned at her, and then nodded.

With that, Molly re-entered the kitchen. Sitting back at the table, she poured herself some more tea. Her husband had not moved from his spot. “You knew all along, didn’t you, Arthur?”

“About Fleur? Yes, dear.”

From the living room there were shouts of encouragement and wolf whistles. Bill had taken her advice.

Molly suppressed a grin. “She’ll do just fine in this family.”

A yelp from the living room signalled that Fleur was not letting Bill get off that easily.

Both Molly and Arthur let out chuckles.

Oh, yes, Fleur would do just fine.


“Mon chou-fleur, attente!” - Literally “My cauliflower, wait”. However, ‘chou-fleur’ is a term of endearment (and a play on her name).

“T’est désolé? -“You’re sorry?”

“Non! Je peux pas croire que tu l’as mentionné!” - “I can’t even believe you suggested it!”

“Qu’est-ce que j'ai fait?” -  “What did I do?”

“C'est vôtre faut!” - “It’s your fault!”

"Pardonnez-moi" - “Excuse me”

“Non! Non!  Je t'aime, peu m’importe ton apparence, tu me compris?!” - “No! No! I love you, I don't care about what you look like, do you understand?”

“Ma fille” - “my daughter”

gijane7702, prompt 8

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