Everyone Else Was Doing It!

Jan 05, 2007 13:09

Title: Everyone Else Was Doing It!
Author: bratty_jedi (Rachael)
Format: Fic (~1,100 words)
Rating: All Audiences
Prompt: January 3 ("The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." Oscar Wilde (suggested by everknowledge))
Warning: A bit fluffy and a bit funny.
Summary: "I rather expected," the tartan-clad witch began in a tone with which Remus had far ( Read more... )

prompt 3, bratty_jedi

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Comments 24

iamweebles January 5 2007, 18:29:25 UTC
Ah, that Remus, he's such a tease ;)

This was lovely and sweet and funny and it made my smile grow bigger and bigger as each new person weighed in on Remus' proposal.


bratty_jedi January 6 2007, 01:36:22 UTC
Thanks so much. I'm glad this gave you a big smile :D

Remus as a tease is just too much fun!


sugarannie January 5 2007, 19:24:08 UTC
Wonderful story!
The idea alone, of one after the other asking about it...and the ending is so sweet :)


bratty_jedi January 6 2007, 01:37:56 UTC
Thanks. The idea just popped into my head last night as I was laying in bed. I got up this morning and it just kind of wrote itself. I'm very happy you like it.


no_sweeter_song January 5 2007, 20:19:14 UTC
Oh gosh!! That was wonderful! I really love the segues between weddings. I'd love to see a wrap up on it, someone coming up to him at his and Tonks' wedding and saying something, just to sort of bring it all together. But the concept was adorable and HELLO Neville/Luna is like, my OTP#2.

Hurray for happy endings!!


bratty_jedi January 6 2007, 01:41:33 UTC
I really love the segues between weddings.

Oh, thanks! Figuring out how to end one wedding and start the next was one of the trickiest things about this fic and I wasn't sure if it would make sense to anyone else or if it would even be as noticeable as it was in my head.

someone coming up to him at his and Tonks' wedding and saying something
I hadn't really thought about that. I guess I cold add something about Harry coming up to him and talking about how oblivious Harry was throughout OotP and HBP (especially HBP) and didn't see it coming like all the adults. I'll have to think about it some more.


devonwood January 5 2007, 21:17:03 UTC
Remus turned to Minerva with a charming smile. "You always did say divination was a rather imprecise branch of magic."

She sniffed. "I said I expected it, not that it was foretold."

I'm surprised she didn't try to give him a detention. :D

This was lovely, and I enjoyed reading everyone else's take on the R/T relationship, lol. And the proposal was fabulous! Who knew Remus was such a bad speller. ;)

A very lovely take on the prompt.


bratty_jedi January 6 2007, 01:51:31 UTC
I'm surprised she didn't try to give him a detention.
Hehehe. She was probably having to work very hard to suppress the urge.

I had a lot of fun trying to think of how the different conversations would flow based on each character. I'm very pleased you liked the different takes.

Hooray for bad spelling!Remus.

Thanks so much for your comments.


shimotsuki January 5 2007, 23:36:33 UTC
This gave me a big smile. If Remus ever doubted that he has people who care about him, all of this prodding ought to wake him up.

My favorite line, since its structure was expected but its content was not: Two months later, at Neville and Luna's wedding, it was Remus. About time! And so wonderful the way you have him do it, too. Seeing the Marauder emerge again is a sure sign that Remus has gotten past all of his doubts and self-denial and has a brighter future to look forward to after the war.


bratty_jedi January 6 2007, 02:10:38 UTC
He really should realize just how many love him, especially after the hospital scene in HBP with everyone encouraging him and Tonks. Hopefully he has the message by now :)

My favorite line, since its structure was expected but its content was not: Two months later, at Neville and Luna's wedding, it was Remus.

I'm so happy you pointed that out. Last night, a friend of mine and I were discussing writing techniques and we mentioned that one of the best ways to get a reaction out of a reader was to create a pattern and then abruptly break it. I had that in mind as I wrote this, breaking the pattern in a less obvious and unexpected but still meaningful way. I'm thrilled that came across.

I love Marauder Remus! I can never get enough of him and I certainly hope he has more opportunities to unleash that aspect of his personality once the war is over.


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