rt_challenge members,
We here at
rt_challenge wish you a happy holiday season and hope that your holidays were merry and bright and full of lots of good food and good times.
Now, some housekeeping. Tags are being made for those of you who asked so nicely :) This next bit is a reminder which will seem obvious to those of you who have participated before, but after going through several comments in a row in the FAQ post, I feel the need to explain:
Membership to the community is completely open; posting access is not. Because we want people to
read the FAQs before we start the ficathon so we don't answer the same questions over and over again, we withhold posting access until our members show they've read our rules. Posting access is just the ability to make a post in the community, not comment access. You don't have to be a member to comment. You must be a member to post. In order to become a member, you go to
this page and join the community. After you do that, proceed to
the aforementioned FAQs post, read them, and then comment. Posting access = granted at that stage.
Fantastic! Start writing those stories and get revved up to start posting on
January 1, 2007!
jadeddiva, for the mods