Whisper of a Touch

Jul 14, 2006 09:15

Title: Whisper of a Touch
Author: bratty_jedi (Rachael)
Format: Ficlet (~ 350 words)
Rating: All Audiences
Prompt: 28 (July 13): Brush.
Warning: Silliness
Summary: "She brushed at her face, half-expecting to find the silken strands of a dislodged spider web that would explain the recurring tingling sensations."
Author's note: I just wrote something fairly angsty for tomorrow's prompt so I had to do pointless silliness to get myself back in a good mood. Glancing over the prompts I hadn't yet done, this idea leaped out at me.
Disclaimer: I own none of this. J. K. Rowling and assorted companies including but not limited to Bloomsbury, Scholastic, and Warner Brothers own everything. They also make all the money. I am just having fun and in no way seek financial profit from their property.

Tonks felt the slight tickle of what must be a bug crawling on her arm and brushed it away while watching the children playing in the distance. They were running and laughing in the warm afternoon sunshine and she laughed with them, sharing their joy at being alive. She wanted nothing more than to stroll around the lake, watching the other people in the park and enjoying her day, but she stayed on her bench, waiting.

Where is he? she thought with concern as she brushed at the bug now crawling on the back of her neck. It was not like Remus to be late. She turned to look behind her, hoping to see him approaching, but all she saw was sunlight glistening off the water of the lake. It was a dazzling sight that could only be improved if he were there so they could share it.

There was now something tickling at her cheek. She brushed at her face, half-expecting to find the silken strands of a dislodged spider web that would explain the recurring tingling sensations. Instead, her hand encountered something solid and unyielding that quickly retreated. After glancing around to make sure no one was watching, she accused the empty air, "Remus?"

He suddenly materialized before her, an invisibility cloak in his hands. His grin would have better suited a five-year-old turned lose in Zonko's or Honeyduke's than this man with soft, graying hair that was being stirred by the breeze in the park. His smile warmed her in ways the sun never could. "I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to catch me," he laughed as he stowed the cloak.

"I thought you were late," she pouted. "I was getting worried."

"Me? Late?" he asked incredulously. "Never."

He seemed insulted by the mere suggestion. "Forgive me," she said while rolling her eyes. "I should have known you were more likely to be causing trouble than to be late."

"Absolutely!" he proudly agreed with her as he took her hand and together they set out for their walk around the lake.

bratty_jedi, prompt 28

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