Pick a Color!

Jul 11, 2006 09:28

Title: Pick a Color!

bratty_jedi (Rachael)

Format: Ficlet (~350 words)

Rating: All Audiences

Prompt: 25 (July 11): Picture of a color wheel found here.

Warning: Fluff!

Summary: "I want your opinion," she half-yelled.  "What color do you think I should try?"

Author's note: I wanted to do something quick and light after my week-long series.  Try not to choke on the pointless fluff.

Disclaimer: I own none of this.  J. K. Rowling and assorted companies including but not limited to Bloomsbury, Scholastic, and Warner Brothers own everything.  They also make all the money.  I am just having fun and in no way seek financial profit from their property.

Tonks was standing against a plain, white wall.  Remus watched her with concern as she leaned her head back, her hair splaying out against the wall behind her.  The spikes grew a little longer, still sticking straight up, but more clearly visible.

"There are easier ways to do this," he said with concern in his voice.

"Do you think I'm too tired to do it?" she asked petulantly.

He immediately tried to placate her.  He placed his hands on her shoulders and gave a little squeeze.  "Of course you can still do it."

She smiled.  "Back up.  You can't get a good view from there."

Obediently he stepped away from her as her hair became a pale blue.  He shook his head.  "Too masculine."

In response to his comment, she changed her spikes to a soft pink.  "Too feminine."

"You're the one who insists on not knowing," she said.  She stuck her tongue out at him and he laughed.  She tried a light yellow.

"That would look terrible with the cherry furniture your parents bought."

"You think so?" she asked, pulling a lock of her hair out to the side and craning her neck, trying to see the hair against the wall.

"This is why we should do it with wands," he said in exasperation.  "You can't see it this way."

"I want your opinion," she half-yelled.  "What color do you think I should try?"

He turned in circles, looking all around the small room.  It was completely empty, but in his mind's eye he could almost see the furniture against the walls and curtains on the windows.  When he completed his circuit and again faced her, he hesitantly suggested, "Purple?"

Her hair morphed to a light lilac.  "Well?" she asked.

"I think it's good for the room, but, darling, it looks terrible on you," he said laughing.

The lilac locks became a deep purple that looked much better with her fair skin.  He smiled his approval as he walked back to her side.  He rubbed his hands over her expanded belly.  "Hear that?" he asked her stomach.  "Only a month-and-a-half to go and we've finally picked a color for your nursery."

bratty_jedi, prompt 25

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