Prompt 21

Jul 06, 2006 06:50

Title: Taste of desire
Author: memeann012084
Word Count: 110
Rating: Strong PG-13, sexual imagery
Prompt: 21
Summary: Remus wants a taste of what Tonks has

Remus Lupin was a desperate man; his entire body was alive with desire. Every muscle twanging with want as he watched Nymphadora Tonks lost in apparent ecstasy. Tonks moaned softly as she nibbled the sweet, soft flesh against her mouth then licked her lips greedily. She never was one to share.

Remus groaned hungrily coveting what his girlfriend had. He desperately craved a taste. To peal back the skin and partake of the sticky honeyed juices within. Finally, when every fiber in him was burning alert with passionate need, he gave up and asked her to allow him to join in.

“Dora, can I have a bite of that orange?”

memeann012084, prompt 21

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