Title: Cross Words
MrsTaterFormat/Word Count: fic, 1150
Rating: PG
Prompt: #17, almost
Summary: "I live vicariously these days."
Author's Note: Sequel to
Suspension of Disbelief and
Progress. First attempt at Sirius' POV, and I'm not sure how I feel about this one. Concrit appreciated.
It's over, then. )
Comments 32
You're correct. He didn't go really 'unstable' 'til about Christmas time. He would have been happy(er) til then with Order meetings, trying to get Tonks and Lupin together, and stuff. Poor man, he traded one prison for another.
He really did; he was so damaged from Azkaban that it would have taken something drastically different to change what he went through mentally and emotionally after OotP. Though I do wonder if he still would have managed to be pretty depressed regardless.
Thanks for your feedback. I'm glad you liked this.
I'm not sure if "mimic" is the best word to use there though. Mimic suggests that Sirius is imitating someone, possibly Remus. Is that what you were going for?
Thanks, I'm glad you like it!
The Sirius POV works really well - he is indeed living vicariously, and though his motives are mostly good I liked it when he admitted he'd been deprived of 'all' his entertainment. He knows how serious something like this is for Remus, but that's how he views it (reminiscent of the prank on Snape?) And I liked 'Dogging him...' LOL.
Looking forward to the next installment of this. :)
I think I spotted a typo - 'Rain check?'
I'm so pleased the frustration and annoyance came through. One of my fanfic pet peeves is Tonks never getting irritated with Sirius. Sirius is a very irritating person, IMO, and I don't think Tonks is above finding him obnoxious.
And yes, I was completely going for the perception which enabled Sirius to not think about how the Snape prank would affect Remus. So glad that came through. (LOL, I just couldn't resist "dogging him.")
Thanks so much for your feedback! I was really nervous about the ambivalence in this piece.
We all use 'rain check' here, honey, so don't you go worryin'!
Er..shutting up now before you throw something in disgust, but I hope you visualised that in a Sawyer accent. ;)
The ambivalence made it really interesting. One found it very enjoyable! :)
Damn, Remus! If you are not going to ask the girl out, you might as well have kept your mouth shut altogether.
The other day you said something to me about wandering off the beaten path and I think it holds true in this story too. Of all the matchmaker!Sirius fics I've read, this is the first time that it actually backfires on him. Good job.
And yes, Remus should not have said anything. Poor dork.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
I love that this has inspired discussion. I'm such a geek. :)
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