Title: Dystopia, Part I Author: Nikkita (nfwbls) Format & Word Count: short fic, 1283 words Rating: G Prompt: #3 (schoolyard) Warnings: none Summary: Remus and his son face exclusion in a post-war dystopia
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Well, since I know you're posting a second part, we shan't be sharing story ideas tomorrow. How funny is it that we're both obsessed with Little Lupins this time around?
This is SO well done. I've never thought about Remus' children being barred from Hogwarts after the war, but that's such a possibility if Umbridge laws are in effect still. Is Tonks a former Auror because of that, too?
You write Snape amazingly well. He just drips with sarcasm and cruelty. Remus begging really tugs at the heartstrings.
Ooohhh! That was horribly wonderful! I want to STRANGLE Snivellus right now!! HOW EVIL..?? But I digress (after this: YOU'RE A STUPID SLIMY JERK AND NOBODY LIKES YOU! So there.). It was realistic, and Remus and John both handled themselves wonderfully, keeping their dignity and values without losing their tempers or letting anyone walk all over them. And Hermione was a fabulous touch! C.R.A.W.! Soo IC, I'd be surprised if JKR didn't use something to that effect in the last one! n.n
Comments 6
This is SO well done. I've never thought about Remus' children being barred from Hogwarts after the war, but that's such a possibility if Umbridge laws are in effect still. Is Tonks a former Auror because of that, too?
You write Snape amazingly well. He just drips with sarcasm and cruelty. Remus begging really tugs at the heartstrings.
Can't wait for the next part!
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