Mar 16, 2004 20:22
i know its been for ever but im just so busy with so much stuff and its been real hard to comment on peoples journals and stuff but hey whats up everyone. hope all is going as good as it is for me in their personal lives because ive got a great fun girl by my side. also keep a whatch for an update from me because i am going to change my user name shortly so keep yourself updated on my journal. also i will take any suggestions for a name and i might just use it if its cool. went to 6 flags on sunday and it was great. i plan to go again on sun the 28th if anyone is intested let me know and it wil be a blast. also today paul and i picked up the 50 cc dirt bike engine and we are going to do something really cool with it but its a secret. so HA HA. also for people that now what im talking about when are we going to jack that cool thing with our dickies jackets on and some slacks, but lets keep that on th DL. lol. well i got to go do some other cool shit before the night is over so i will try my best to comment and update more often cya.
Rick James Bitch