Updates From Summer Camp: The Back Story

Jun 22, 2014 21:38

Mel Black is small town waitress at a roadside cafe and lives in a trailer park. She’s a fugitive in hiding. A Fae princess accused of murder.

The Fae live in the unseen realm just beyond human perception. They are the descendants of Angels that stayed neutral in the war of heaven. They are tricksters and wield natural magic. Some are born with dangerous abilities that they are forced to resist.

Ecanus Hazelwood has the gift of Transference. If he wasn't careful he could read thoughts and he could almost always tell when someone is lying. This magic is forbidden but Ecanus has always been good at suppressing these abilities and besides no one pays much attention the King’s Bard. Except the king’s daughter.

Malahidael “Ma’el” Blackthorn Wanderlust is a Seer. The gift of Prophecy is also forbidden and even the eldest daughter of King Oberon is not above the law. Ma’el learns quickly never to tell anyone. Except the Royal Bard.

Ma’el causes a scandal in the court by defying the Elders. She is accused of blasphemy and sedition. She fights with her father and gives up her right to throne.

Forced to use her abilities Ma’el tries to stop an assassination plot and finds herself framed for the murder of her younger sister Calliel.

Unsure of who to trust Ma’el flees to the human realm where she begins a new life as Mel Black.

Now two years later Ecanus who has been developing his ability is blackmailed into tracking down Mel. Arrested by the sadistic Raguel Mel has to return to the world of Wild Hunts, Masked Revels and political intrigue to face a likely kangaroo court of Fae Elders.

*TL;DR : Mel is a Fae with the forbidden gift of prophecy. After questioning the authority of the Elders she is framed for murdering her sister, the heir to the throne. Mel flees to the human realm where she is betrayed by former lover Ecanus and is arrested knowing she will be brought before a kangaroo court.

note: What is below the cut would all be considered spoilers for the plot of the book.

summer camp, writing, project update

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