LJ Idol 10: Week 21 Home Game: Turn back or forge ahead?

Jun 25, 2017 17:41

Musings 6.25.17

One of my favorite things to do is write in invisible ink

I change the font color to match the background
so I can’t read over what I’ve written so far
and have to just keep forging ahead

It’s all I can do to turn off the criticizing voice
Who is always afraid that I’m wasting my time
Writing nonsense
A useless and unsuitable hobby

But it’s all I can do
Keeping all of those way more interesting realities
Shifting around in my brain from constantly distracting me from real life
Especially in the current oppressive heat wave
In the feedback loop I seem to have found myself in
It’s hard not to feel like reality is purgatory

I have changed my hairstyle more times in the past year
than I had in my whole life up to then

Some believe a witch’s power is in her hair
And that to cut it would diminish her spirit
Do you see where this is headed?
Because we should really rethink the standards for bodily autonomy in our metaphors

Self expression and self definition
I could be so much more than my self
Neurotic, witchey, Fey kin,
bard, baker, seamstress,
lover, survivor,
cannabis enthusiast

Boredom is a dangerous past time
A stark reminder that there is a spark inside me
A faintly glowing ember
Burning brighter every day


The mystical part of me wishes it was easier to live in-between pages

Become powerful enough to conjure a new reality vivid enough
To break through this monotonous damnation

But it is all words
All meaningless
repetitive words
The ouroboros

The moments between adventures
Between side quests
And discoveries
Unforgettable journeys
Skipping town on a lark and learning the secret name of the element air

A man
is not
a tree

300 words

prose blog, ljidol, free-verse, writing, selfie tag, home game

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