Okay muse, anytime you want to jump in....

Mar 14, 2014 10:46

Well today has been pretty unproductive on getting started on the first LJ Idol topic.

I asked a woman I know who lived in Indonesia for a few years if she'd heard of the word and she said no which leads me to believe it's not a commonly used word. I have a few ideas that don't directly deal with the word itself but more about words in general and words that have no direct translation into English but I don't want to stray too far from the topic.

I don't want to go out on the first round. Especially because I've been writing lots of stuff just nothing that really fills the topic for this week. Maybe this just isn't my topic but it just doesn't seem right to use a 'bye' the first time but what if the next topic sparks something right away? Or what if it's worse?

AAARRGGGHHH! Okay sorry I just needed to get that out of my system.

And another thing, managing more than one blog on multiple devices is hard  Yeah I have a fanfic blog (and I emailed Gary about it as per da rulz and will only ever be posting LJI stuff from here) but remembering to log in and out to make comments at 6am before heading down to work :head desk: I don't really know why I care. I guess mostly because I write fan fiction for a specific audience and I know it isn't for everyone and maybe I'll be judged by other writers for my use of someone else's art and some family members might judge me for the porny bits.

On a happier note I might be going to the Star Wars Exhibit at the Tech Museum this weekend!  I'll likely be too focused on I how I should be writin on gorram Indonesian slang insults to enjoy the frelling show or maybe I'll be inspired by something. I'm not giving up.

writing, selfie tag

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