i got ditched twice today.
i missed my ride home because of my stupid surf coach.
so then i call my mom to pick me up and she was like, "we're all in disneyland"
fuck, thats cool how i wasnt invited, or didnt even know.
so then i waited 3 hours until the guys weight training was over, and caught a ride home.
so ya now im at home, while my family is in Disneyland watching the parade.
geesh im so unloved
ahora soy comiendo easymac
im going to be on UNI news. yess. start of my career.
i want to become famous. ha sikkeeee thatll be the day
Here are some
I didnt take many pictures at all. Alyssa has good ones.
bus ride homie
me and Francesca had alot of fun on peterpan haha
cracka & chocolate
action shot
We went on it again, this time with Marla
.... faces
Frans face. mi gusta
it looks like marla has a babyhand
pretty belle