May 04, 2010 11:26
Well, since my last post, things seem to have improved with Autumnn's amount of play she's getting at softball. Instead of being benched 4-5 innings of a 6-inning game, she was only benched for 2 innings during last week's game. She was happy and smiling, she was on the field, and she even had a skip in her step! That makes me very happy. I asked her if she was having a good time and a good game, and she said she was. hopefully tonight's game will follow in the same vein, as I just want that part to be over. Tonight we're traveling to Jeff to play, and we didn't go there last year for the away games, so I need to map that before we head out this evening. This is really a wonderful thing. At the end of the season, if all continues to go well, I will definitely be giving the man who helped mediate all this a call. As fro the coach, I act the same as always around him to make things easier (especially since I'm not sure how much he was told about what), but Autumn won't be on his team next year.