Apr 02, 2008 14:47
To say I have a lot on my mind at the moment is an understatement. My weight loss tactics have not taken hold as of yet, and it seems we're going to be taking a summer trip to Savannah, GA, including the beach. That said, I would be fine if I could do my swimsuit and a cover-up like a t-shirt (bad, I know), but the swimsuit doesn't really fit right now, and any new one I get would look equally horrible. So I think I'm gonna suck it up and try a new plan. Here's how I think it should go. Stop eating so damn much. Drink as much as possible, preferably water. Exercise a lot more than I do now. Maybe consider taking the girls to the park where I can walk laps around the lake now and then. Stop thinking about how much I hate my exercise machine and just dive in as much as possible every day. Do more cleaning. Maybe go out to the office and use Ben's exercise machine, as it is far superior to mine. I'm thinking of looking at new exercise moves as well. either way, we're getting closer than i would like to the deadline, adn it hasn't even been set yet!
Another plus of losing weight means getting closer to the point where I will want to get the tattoo with my friend. I must think a lot harder about placement, because my mom seems okay with it, but my dad made no bones about the fact he will never speak to me again if he ever finds out I have one this past weekend when we tried to explain to him several times my henna (which I really love even if it is the grill of an International semi with flames around it) will only last a couple of weeks before it finally sunk in. It's truly the neverending battle on many levels with my family, but I can't just turn my back on them because they are the only real family I have. Even my in-laws, as nice as they are, I can't feel really close to them beyond them being my husband's family. Something's missing, and I really can't depend on them in emergency situations most of the time either because they are busy, old, or just don't see certain things as being that big of a deal.
This brings up the next topic: moving. I have a list of over 130 houses to whittle down to a small handful, and that's from only one website. It doesn't help these places are scattered willy-nilly and I can't really get a grasp of how big or small the measurements are. We haven't been to a place since October, and the rent is up in June, at which time we may choose to rent for another year with our landlord. At least he doesn't come over every single day or something. We got rid of the water softener and cancelled my Ultima Online account (I don't play that often anymore), so that should help a little. I wish the bank would give us a price range for a loan, but they want to see a floorplan and price estimate first, which sucks, since you should start out knowing about how much you want to spend, right? We can afford $500/month for 30 years. Add in the interest. It's done! Geez! So, anyway, the plan there is to go back to the notebook, pull up the floorplans, and see how many I can disqualify, as well as how many I fall in love with. I need a lot of house space or I feel boxed in, so a floorplan that isn't set up all weird would be awesome, as well as one that doesn't skimp too much on how much room is allotted to the smaller bedrooms. After that, I should tackle the other sites and see what I come up with. Ben is more about looking at the catalog at the dealer, so it's my job. That and I don't want to leave it all up to him and end up in something I'll hate. I am keeping his preferences in mind in my search as well.
That said, I have a heck of a lot of work to do, so I should get on it...especially considering i just ate a plate of super-bad-for-me-style spaghetti.