May 23, 2006 20:11
All About You
xo General ox
Name ::: rob
Age ::: 20
Gender ::: male
Screen name::: partyneverends04
Hair color ::: brown
Eye color ::: blue
Shirt color ::: black
xo Who Was the Last Person to... ox
Text you ::: maria
Leave you a Myspace comment :::
Leave a bulletin on Myspace ::: ?
Hug you ::: sister
Kiss you ::: jen
Scare you ::: i don't remember
IM you ::: maria
xo When Was the Last Time You... ox
Showered ::: this morning
Talked on the phone ::: yesterday
IMed somebody ::: yesterday
Sang ::: idk
Laughed ::: idk
Told someone you loved them long time ago
Went shopping ::: long time ago
xo Have You Ever ox
Done the Cha Cha Slide ::: no
Driven a car before you were 16 ::: yes
Taken a survey as fun as this ::: yes
Broken any bones ::: no
Heard the song Bad Day ::: yeah
xo Either/Or ox
Ipod or Cell phone ::: ipod
Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Best friend ::: best friend
Sweet or Sour ::: sour
This Survey or Another ::: another
Punk Music or Rock Music ::: rock
One million dollars or True Love Forever ::: true love forever
Sleep All Day or Stay Up All Night ::: stay up all night
Kiss Romantically or Make-Out ::: idk
Go to the Beach or Go to the Mall ::: beach during the day, mall at night!=)
Aeropostale or Hollister ::: hollister
xo Can You... ox
Can you whistle ::: yes
Can you blow a bubble ::: no
Can you do a cartwheel ::: yes
Stand on your head ::: no
Take a needle ::: no thanks
Stay up for 2 days straight ::: no
Fit in a locker ::: no