A Little Soupmad__pierrotMarch 3 2006, 06:18:26 UTC
Illness blows. As does its toxic side-effects (e.g. no kissing). Word on the street is that there's yet another bug going around campus, and with a place this small, that's real easy to transmit. Still, I hope that the party cheered you up a little, even though I kinda doubt that an ice cream cake is going to help with your headache any.
To aid in your recovery, you get a FREE dancing Canadian:
(You may want to save this now - I don't know for how much longer it'll be up.)
Re: A Little SouprsipperlyMarch 4 2006, 13:39:53 UTC
yay! dancing canadians!i think that show is hilarious..the party was great and would hug everybody for it, but i dont want to get more people sick.anyhoo,i had a great time, and hope everyone else did too.
Illness blows. As does its toxic side-effects (e.g. no kissing). Word on the street is that there's yet another bug going around campus, and with a place this small, that's real easy to transmit. Still, I hope that the party cheered you up a little, even though I kinda doubt that an ice cream cake is going to help with your headache any.
To aid in your recovery, you get a FREE dancing Canadian:
(You may want to save this now - I don't know for how much longer it'll be up.)
have a good spring break.
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