
May 25, 2007 11:04

He never cares to check my recent calls list, tells me I never have to explain myself..

And as soon as I'm on the phone with my ex, he gets all... "WHO WAS THAT?"
Like... Like as if he sensed it or something. 
My response went a little something like...
"It was Johnny, as in ex boyfriend that lives in Georgia, as in great friend that I just got off the phone with so I could hang out with you."
He was bitter for a short moment, until he realized that he could never step over that border.
The border between being jealous or just trusting me.

I found this situation interesting. 
Due to the challenge. I like that he was proposed with an obstacle of which he had to complete and still have me laying there with him. 
So... on that note, after a short interlude of jealousy, we returned to being that fresh new couple that we are, adoring eachothers every move, staring into eachothers eyes, and him pushing his luck to get in my pants (haha)...  He knows better than that.

I think he caught himself starting to tell me he loves me.
Actually, I said I think, but I know. Infact, he said "Baby, I love........ Woah" and walked away. 
Ha, and then he says "Did you hear that?" 
I respond, "should I have?"
"Ok, I didn't hear a thing."
We laughed and then went on with our day.
Weird, But what if he had said it... what would I say back?
I've been in this situation before, but it's different.. Before was further into our relationship, and we were younger... 
Now, I'm more cautious, I learned my lesson... Just don't love back. Ha, easy to say now, but I do know that  I'm falling, I'm falling real fucking hard. I don't like this idea, It's been 2 years since I've had feelings like this...

The worst part is,
He's so not for me.
But I dig him anyways.
What's with me?
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