Jan 17, 2005 15:56
Well....jsut what has happened in the past few weeks. As many of you know from previous posts, prelude is currently for sale. Havent really gotten any calls yet worth considering. Still working at the ol OMAX. This week i work tuesday, wednesday, thursday, and friday. Although on Wednesday and Thursday I have to go in late because i have detention. Why, you ask? Because last tuesday I was going into school when jessica calls me and said to skip with her because we both dont know anything about the test. I decided it prolly would be a good idea because i could study that night and then take in the next day or w/e. We met up with Aaron and Denver at seros and ate a nice breakfast. 2nd hour rolls around and i get called to the office to talk to Mr. Abasse. Not good. On the way there i see Denver who proceeds to tell me that i have to say some bogus story or else we are all fucked. Ok, whatever i can do that. But apparently Aaron talked to Abasse before denver did and told him the truth. So our stories didnt coincide. If all of our stories matched then i guess he was going to let us off. Oh well we failed. He called all our parents too. Denver and aarons parents didnt care but mine sure did. On top of that when i went to go take the test that i skipped for in Calculus he wouldnt let me take it because i had an unexcused absence. It was not a good week. None of this would have happened if only i wouldnt have spent the night at Steak N Shake the night before the test. Yes, me and Eric Paluch stayed the night at SnS to study up on AP computer science. It was a long night. Stayed there for about 12 hours. 7 PM till 7:30 AM. Our reward was Chris picking us up and buying a big breakfast. We went straight from SnS to school and looked like hell. So anyways i was way to tired to study the next day. My parents are not too happy with me right now. Not that i really blame them. If i dont start doing better in school then they are going to pull my college money and make me go to OCC or somewhere. I need to stop doing stupid shit and get my act together. They are all small, stupid mistakes, but ultimately always get me in the biggest trouble. NEW TERM RESOLUTION: Get good grades and start being an angel. No more sleeping at SnS and skipping school. Now that I currently have all A's and am not skipping school anymore, i now consider myself a good child who never does anything bad. I love it.
Me and Dan also started working out 2 weeks ago. We are going to get big and buff before were all done. Its nice we go about every other day and sometimes more for about 2 hours at a time. hmmm i cant think of anything else to report right now. i dont know if i said this in a previous post but on New Years all of RP and some others had a little get-together at jessicas (dans girlfriend, although not officially). It was a really fun night. lots of good pics. Oh yes, and i need the money for the Yanni concert NOW! i need it NOWWWW! if we want good seats we need to order them NOWWWW. I cant think of anything else of import so thats it.