Feb 17, 2004 23:26
Hehe I love the gnome in Travelocity.com's ads! GNOMES ROCK!
So yeah I know its been awhile but some people are just busy!
We finally got a new car! We got a dark red 2001 Ford Focus. Its so much fun! It has buttons!
INteresting thing this week. A professor told me I would be shortchanging myself by going to TU Law school. He thinks I should go to Stanford or Yale or Harvard or an equivalent school. Its terrifying and exhilariting to have someone believe in you so much. Another professor heard about it and agreed that I should be setting my goals higher. Hmmm. We shall see.
I really dont have much to say....
Been very busy at work because one of the brokers was fired and another is out of town so we are down to only two brokers, an admin who doesnt do ANYTHING, and me. Not to mention we keep setting record trading days, record number of new accounts, record number of account transfers, etc. Everyone seems to love Scottrade now. And it is tax season so all the squirrelly customers try to get tax advice out of us even though it is against the law and company policy to give it.
I really should sleep now...work in the morning...oh my god not the morning!