Dear Yuletide Author (2016)

Oct 01, 2016 08:47

Hi! I'm excited you're writing me a story! Thank you for taking on one of these requests.

First up, what I do and don't like in fic. In addition to the like/dislike blocks below, I have fic likes and dislikes tags on Tumblr and here on LJ. I'm cool with gen or pairing fic, sex or no sex. I've tried to give you a variety of ideas for each fandom if you want somewhere to start from, but please feel free to go somewhere else with your story if there's something else you want to write. Most of the suggestions below are pretty mild, but I am totally into kink fic if that's something you want to write.

Likes: Clothes sharing, d/s, women, relationships between equals, people being smart/competent, people acting like adults, soulbonding and other variations on meant to be, they have to get married, cuddling, happy endings, well-structured endings, kids and babies, dialogue, snappy dialogue, people who are practically married before the romance/sex, slowly developing relationships, relationship negotiations of all kinds, kink negotiation, unconventional parenting arrangements, judicious parceling out of backstory/exposition, a/b/o, d/s AUs, people making reproductive choices, werewolves, non-creepy possessiveness, poly/poly V/open/unconventional relationships, nonsexual intimacy (sex is also good), power dynamics, feminist themes, dialogue.

Dislikes: Embarrassment (especially teenage embarrassment), misogyny, historical AUs based on actual history (I do like fake historical AUs, like regency romances where same-sex marriage is just as respectable as opposite-sex marriage), randomly inconsistent pov, abrupt endings, endings that throw out the entire premise of the rest of the story, an overabundance of teenage angst, first person, trope inversions, infodumps, things that are going to make me feel anxious or full of dread while reading (I like things that are prickly and difficult, just not in a doom is coming or embarrassment sort of way).

Now on to specific fandoms:

AT&T "Lily" Commercials - Lily (AT&T). Lily is so cheerful but also kind of dorky (Siri says, "I know you asked me to call you the AT&T hostess with the mostest," for example) that I think she could be really fun to read fic about. I don't really have any specific wishes for a story about her. I would be okay with crossovers, especially if they're played for laughs. Some possible ideas: Lily goes on an adventure in the world or in the mall/shopping center; Lily helps characters from various other fandoms buy phones and choose phone plans; Lily is dating/is friends with/lives in the same building as Flo (from the Progressive Insurance commercials) and/or Mayhem (from the Allstate Insurance commercials); Lily and Siri become best friends.

Bourne (Damon movies) - Jason Bourne, Nicky Parsons. I love the Bourne movies so much, and Jason Bourne was such a disservice to the franchise and the characters. I'm completely into Jason and Nicky's interactions and relationship, and I would be into any sort of exploration of that, gen or pairing. The movies have deliberately left a lot of space for interpretation, especially with Nicky in The Bourne Ultimatum saying, "It was hard for me. With you," and Jason in Jason Bourne saying, "I told you, Christian Dassault is going to get you killed." Some possible ideas: fix-it where no one we care about dies in Jason Bourne; how they kept in touch between The Bourne Ultimatum and Jason Bourne; they're actually siblings; they were together/married before they both ended up working in the Treadstone program.

The Killing - Stephen Holder, Sarah Linden. Holder and Linden being intense at each other is my favorite thing. I would love post-series fic about them finding their way to what home means for them now. I would be into both Holder/Linden and gen fic about them being close and intense but not in a romantic/sexual way. Some possibilities: Linden moves in with Holder and Kalia in a completely platonic way but she and Holder share a bed when one of them is having a bad night; Holder and Linden soulbond or are already soulbonded; they talk about having another kid (any possible outcome of this conversation is good with me; it's the thoughtful choice part I like about people making reproductive choices).

Ned & Stacey - Ned Dorsey, Stacey Colbert Dorsey, Eric Moyer, Amanda Moyer. I recently rewatched all of this that was available on YouTube in a fit of nostalgia. It has a lot going for it: marriage of convenience, jokes that are funny at least partially because of how charming the actors are, some completely ridiculous 90s sitcom plots, and opposites eventually falling in love. I would love some wacky episode-style hijinks and/or a resolution to the Ned and Stacey loving each other relationship. Some possible ideas: what happens when Ned leaves; what happens when Ned comes back; wacky adventures in which Ned never actually leaves; Ned and Stacey re-marrying "for convenience" and living in her studio apartment; all four of them start their own magazine using Ned's advertising skills, Stacey's writing/editing skills, Eric's accountant skills, and Amanda's ability to tell them which ideas will and won't work.

Push (2009) - Cassie Holmes, Kira Hudson, Nick Gant. Some things I love about the movie: the look, the worldbuilding, the complexities of seeing the future and then influencing it, Cassie's questionable art talent. My ideal story would be some sort of Nick/Kira + Cassie found family thing. I would also be into Nick/Kira/Cassie; Nick/Kira, Nick/Cassie poly V fic; or gen fic. I do not want fic where Kira is evil/manipulative; I think she's badass and that she and Nick genuinely love each other, and I would like fic with that take on her. Some possibilities: Cassie sees something about Nick and Kira's relationship that makes her doubt her place as part of their family; Kira accepts that Cassie is part of their family, and that choice changes what Cassie sees; something about Kira's trauma relating to Division and being Pushed; the three of them working together to take down Division/complete another task Cassie's mother saw for them.

I hope that gives you some good ideas to start from, and I hope you have a good Yuletide experience! ♥

the killing, yuletide, push, bourne, fic likes and dislikes, meme

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