Hi! I'm excited you're writing me a story! Thank you for taking on one of these requests.
First up, what I do and don't like in fic. The long version is below, and I have fic likes and dislikes tags
on Tumblr and
here on LJ if you want more than that. Short version: I like nonsexual intimacy (sex is good too), power dynamics, relationships between equals, feminist themes, dialogue. I dislike misogyny, abrupt endings, things that are going to make me feel anxious or full of dread while reading (I like things that are prickly and difficult, just not in a doom is coming or embarrassment sort of way). I'm cool with gen or pairing fic, sex or no sex. I've tried to give you a variety of ideas for each fandom, but please feel free to go somewhere else with your story if it works. Most of the suggestions below are pretty mild, but I am totally into kink fic if that's something you want to write.
Likes: Clothes sharing, D/s, women, relationships between equals (and yet D/s; it’s like a less complicated romance/erotica version of a koan), people being smart/competent, people acting like adults, soulbonding and other variations on meant to be, they have to get married, cuddling, happy endings, well-structured endings, kids and babies, dialogue, snappy dialogue, people who are practically married before the romance/sex, slowly developing relationships, relationship negotiations of all kinds, kink negotiation, unconventional parenting arrangements, judicious parceling out of backstory/exposition, a/b/o, D/s AUs, people making reproductive choices, werewolves, non-creepy possessiveness, poly/poly V/open/unconventional relationships.
Dislikes: Embarrassment (especially teenage embarrassment), misogyny, historical AUs based on actual history (fake historical AUs, like regency romances where same-sex marriage is just as respectable as opposite-sex marriage, are awesome), randomly inconsistent pov, abrupt endings, badly written endings, endings that throw out the entire premise of the rest of the story, an overabundance of teenage angst, first person, trope inversions, infodumps.
Now on to specific fandoms:
Dance Academy - Kat Karamakov. I loved this show so much, and I really like Kat. My ideal Kat stories: Kat and Ethan sibling feelings, Kat/Abigail, or Kat and Abigail. I have a lot of feelings about Kat and Ethan being each other's family in a very real way. Ethan coming to be with Kat at the memorial on the beach is one of my favorite bits of the show. I mostly have feelings about them in a platonic way, but if you want to go to the sibling incest place, I would not be opposed to that as long as it's a supportive (not destructive/coercive) relationship. I'm also interested in Kat's relationship with Abigail. They were friends as kids, then not so much, and by the end of the show they were friends again, or at least friendly. I'd love Kat/Abigail fic, or something about their friendship after the academy. If you want to combine things here, I would be into Kat, Abigail, and Ethan sharing family holidays, either just the three of them or the Karamakovs visiting Abigail's family; a Kat/Abigail, Ethan/Abigail poly V story; or even the awkward aftermath of a drunken Kat/Ethan/Abigail threesome.
Ice Princess (2005) - Ann (Ice Princess), Gen Harwood. When I saw this movie, I kept wondering why there was no strong Casey/Gen subtext. Then we got to the scene where Gen and Ann are watching Casey's competition together, and that was the pairing I wanted. If femslash is not your thing, I would be interested in gen fic about Ann and Gen being friends. Some possible ideas: Gen and Ann find their own common ground aside from being Casey's friends; Ann is a support for Gen as she figures out what she wants to do now that she's not skating; Ann and Gen move in together.
The Killing - Stephen Holder, Sarah Linden. Holder and Linden being intense at each other is my favorite thing. I would love post-series fic about them finding their way to what home means for them now. I would be into both Holder/Linden and gen fic about them being close and intense but not in a romantic/sexual way. Some possibilities: Linden moves in with Holder and Kalia in a completely platonic way but she and Holder share a bed when one of them is having a bad night; Holder and Linden soulbond or are already soulbonded; they talk about having another kid (any possible outcome of this conversation is good with me; it's the thoughtful choice part I like about people making reproductive choices).
Make It or Break It - Payson Keeler. The story of my heart is one where Payson is a lesbian or bi and figures it out/dates a woman. If that is not your thing, I'm generally interested in Payson's relationships with other women. I'm sad that Heather was only on the show for three episodes, and I would love fic where Payson stayed friends with her in some way, or any other story about Payson's relationships (platonic or otherwise) with other canonical or original character women.
Stitchers (TV) - Kirsten Clark, Camille Engelson. I would love a Kirsten/Camille story, either as the sole pairing or as part of a poly web that could include other pairings (possibilities: Linus/Camille, Kirsten/Cameron, Kirsten/Fisher). If that is not your thing, I would also be into a story about their developing friendship. Some elements I would greatly enjoy in either version: more bedsharing, Kirsten buying things for Camille and/or Camille using part of her raise to buy something for Kirsten (I am okay with implied exchange of sex for material goods if that's a place you want to go), cooking for each other or together. I would really like the emphasis to be in their relationship no matter what sort of story you want to write, meaning that if they talk about boys that's okay, but I wouldn't want that to be the sole focus of the story.
I hope that gives you some good ideas to start from, and I hope you have a good Yuletide experience! ♥