Fic: Let you put your hands on me (Hockey, Brandon Bollig/Sean Monahan, 15800 words, Explicit) 2/2

May 31, 2015 16:38

Part 1

They keep hooking up. Sometimes Brandon's in a cheerleading uniform and sometimes he's not. Sean's into it either way, finally understanding why people get so excited about sex. He takes the initiative sometimes and asks Brandon if he can come over, but Brandon's always the one who decides what he's going to wear. It becomes enough of a pattern that the other guys know they're friends, and Boums just accepts it as normal when Sean goes over to hang out with Brandon.

On a night when Sean knows Brandon doesn't have plans, he heads over to Brandon's unannounced, and texts, I'm downstairs. Can I come up?

Brandon buzzes him into the building and is waiting in the doorway when Sean gets to his apartment. He leans in to kiss Sean once they're inside. "Booty calls are supposed to involve an actual call."

Sean chuckles. "Yeah, sorry."

Brandon shrugs. "I'm down for it anyway."

That's a good lead-in to the reason Sean didn't preface his booty call with an actual call. "Would you be down for-" He hands over the bag he brought up with him instead of finishing the question, and then, hurriedly, says, "Don't open it."

Brandon raises his eyebrows at him.

Sean can feel himself starting to blush. "I'm going to go get us dinner. Don't look until I'm gone, and then if you want to wear it, you can." He doesn't give Brandon time to respond to that. "Burgers and fries okay?"

"Sure," Brandon says, and the way he's looking at Sean and not the bag has some of the same determination he has out on the ice.


Brandon's eyebrows quirk upwards again. "Sure. Vanilla."

Sean nods and leaves before they can talk about it anymore. He tries not to focus too much on what it's going to be like if Brandon puts on the outfit Sean got him, or what it's going to be like if he doesn't.

Sean changes his jacket when he gets back to Brandon's building, swapping out his normal one for the one he had made. Only then does he get out of the car and go up to Brandon's apartment.

Brandon opens the door while keeping it between him and the hallway, which gives Sean a bare second to brace himself for the effect of Brandon in an outfit he picked out. It's a cheerleading uniform, one that Sean had custom made. The white, sleeveless top is edged in red. The red, pleated skirt has a broad stripe of white at the bottom, and a thinner one a few inches above it. It isn't that different from some of Brandon's other uniforms, except that this one has the Flames logo, their logo, across the chest. That would be enough to make Sean breathless and half-hard on its own, but Brandon's added to it: something sparkly on his eyelids and lipstick that makes his mouth a red slash in the middle of his beard.

"Oh, fuck," Sean says.

Brandon grins at him. "I figured you wouldn't mind if I improvised a little."

"Uh, no," Sean says. He toes off his shoes without taking his eyes off of Brandon. "It's. Yeah, it's good."

Brandon looks him up and down. "Yours isn't so bad either."

Sean's outfit is just as carefully chosen: jeans, a white v-neck, and the jacket. It's a letter jacket, red body, white sleeves, the Flames logo on the back, Sean's name and number embroidered in white on the front. It's made to match Brandon's cheerleading uniform.

Sean is the one who takes them to the table. They don't always eat there, but since they can't go to a burger joint like this, Sean figures it's the next best thing. After he sets the bags of food and the drink carrier on the table, he shrugs out of the jacket and holds it out to Brandon.

"I don't want you to get cold."

Brandon looks like he might laugh, but he takes the jacket and pulls it on. It's a little big on Sean, which means it fits Brandon like it belongs on him. Except that it has Sean's name on it.

They sit across from each other at the table, and they mostly have the same kind of conversation they would any time they're hanging out. Brandon smirks a little every time Sean loses track of the conversation watching Brandon's bright red lips wrap around his straw or his fingers holding a fry.

Sean cleans up after dinner, leaning down to exchange a quick kiss with Brandon as he takes Brandon's trash from him.

"I feel like I should be taking a bathroom trip with the other cheerleaders," Brandon says, "while all our boyfriends talk about the game."

"Uh," Sean says.

Brandon laughs. "Nah, it's hot, this whole high school fantasy you've got going on." He gets up and comes over to Sean. "You look the part." He puts his hand on Sean's cheek. "The classic good looks, the hair that's always perfect."

Sean laughs. "It's not always perfect." He puts his arms around Brandon's middle. He'd be able to feel Brandon's skin in the gap between his top and skirt if it weren't for Sean's jacket over his uniform.

Brandon doesn't give him a chance to argue the point any more than that; he leans in and kisses Sean. His lips are unfamiliarly sticky with the lipstick that hasn't come off yet, and Sean gets a hint of the waxy taste of it when he deepens the kiss.

Sean doesn't need any encouragement to get into it, not with the way Brandon's dressed and how Sean's gotten to look at him since he walked in the door. They make out in the kitchen for a long time. Sean takes charge - because Brandon lets him; Sean's not fooling himself that he could ever do anything Brandon didn't let him do - and presses Brandon against the counter. He's grinding against Brandon when Brandon suddenly laughs, and then kisses the side of Sean's head.

"Hey," Brandon says, nuzzling at Sean's ear. "My parents aren't home tonight. We could go to my room."

Sean can't help laughing a little at that, even while he finds it almost unbearably hot. He's learning all kinds of things about what he likes from this thing with Brandon. "Yeah. I don't want to pressure you," he says, making Brandon shake with silent laughter, "but-"

"But you really want to take this somewhere other than makeout point," Brandon finishes for him.

Sean's laughing again too. "Yeah."

"Well, come on, baby." Brandon takes Sean's hand and leads him into his bedroom where he pushes Sean down onto the bed.

Brandon's lipstick is smeared and half rubbed off. Probably some of it is on Sean's face too, but he ignores that possibility and looks at the way Brandon's mouth looks instead.

"I could blow you," Brandon says, sitting back to look at Sean spread out on his bed.

"Oh, fuck," Sean says, squeezing his eyes shut at the shot of pure lust that shoots through him at the offer. At thinking about Brandon's mouth with its already messy lipstick wrapped around his cock.

"Yeah," Brandon says. "I think so." He leans over Sean and kisses him deep and dirty. His mouth is wet when he pulls away, and Sean keeps his eyes on that while Brandon opens his jeans and gets his cock out.

Brandon's red lips look just as good around Sean's cock as he thought they would. His lipstick gets even more smeared as he moves up and down Sean's cock. Probably some of it is coming off on Sean's cock.

This is going to be the shortest blowjob Sean's ever gotten.

Sean hangs on as much as he can, watches Brandon's lips and the sparkle of the makeup on his eyelids, says Brandon's name a lot. Brandon's still wearing Sean's jacket, which means he doesn't get to see Brandon's shoulders while they do this. On the other hand, it means Brandon's still in his jacket, Sean's name on his chest even more of a claim than Brandon wearing the outfit Sean picked out for him.

Sean gasps out a warning when he's just about to come. Brandon flashes a look up at him, then lowers his eyelids while he sucks hard at the head of Sean's cock. Sean squeezes his eyes shut as he comes, and the sparkle of Brandon's eye makeup expands into a golden starburst behind his eyelids.

Brandon's mouth leaves his cock while Sean's still trying to remember how to breathe. It's a thing he knows how to do, really. He just has to remind his body of that fact.

Brandon gives him just a few moments to recover before he says, "Just because you got a blowjob from a cheerleader doesn't mean you're done for the night."

Sean opens his eyes. Brandon's mouth is red, but his lipstick is mostly gone by now. He's kneeling up on the bed, and Sean can see his cock pushing against the pleats of his skirt. Brandon's comment probably means he can't just watch Brandon jerk off, but that's okay; Brandon owns the outfit now and Sean will probably get to watch him jerk off in it another time.

"Yeah, I'll do something for you." Sean sits up, which brings him close enough to tug Brandon in and kiss him. He tastes like Sean's come and the last hint of waxiness from the lipstick. "What do you want?"

Brandon shakes his head. "Just touch me."

Sean can do that. He starts with Brandon's legs, running his hands up from the back of Brandon's knees to his thighs, then cupping them around the curves of Brandon's ass. Brandon's not wearing anything under his skirt. For all the times they've done this, that shouldn't surprise Sean anymore, but it still does. It's almost too bad he already came, but at least he's clear-headed enough that he'll be able to remember this part of it when he jerks off to it later.

Sean uses his grip on Brandon's ass to pull him down, so he's straddling Sean's lap. It brings him into easy kissing range again. Sean spends a minute or two kissing Brandon. He'd spend more time on it, but Brandon is starting to squirm in his lap.

"Touch me," Brandon says again, more of a demand this time.

Sean gets his hand around Brandon's cock, which is as thick and hard as Sean's ever felt it. Sean watches the movement of his hand under Brandon's skirt, and it's like the first time they did this. Different in a lot of ways, but like it in more. Brandon's dressed up for Sean, it's ranking in Sean's top ten sexual experiences, and Sean's jerking Brandon off under his skirt.

Sean knows what Brandon likes now, which makes this easier, none of the uncertainty of the first time.

"Baby, you're so good to me," Brandon says, mouth pressed right up against Sean's temple.

In Sean's view, Brandon's pretty damn good to him too, but this is a moment to enjoy what he's doing, not argue with Brandon. Sean kisses him, a few short kisses, dipping in to taste Brandon's mouth, quick moments of connection while he jerks Brandon off.

"Sean, baby," Brandon says. "I'm going to- You're going to make me-"

"Yeah," Sean says. He rubs his thumb over the sensitive spots around the head of Brandon's cock. "Come on, Brandon." He kisses Brandon, deep this time, and then pulls back so he can look at Brandon. "You look so pretty. Let me make you come."

Brandon groans loud and drawn out when he comes all over Sean's hand. They're probably getting come on his skirt too, but it can be cleaned. Or it'll stain, and Sean will think about this moment every time Brandon wears it. Sean finds both options acceptable.

They clean up a little bit with tissues from the box on Brandon's nightstand, and then lie next to each other on Brandon's bed. Sean tucks himself back into his pants, and then they're both fully clothed, which seems weird, but Sean likes what he sees every time he looks at Brandon.

"That was really fucking awesome," Brandon says.

Sean laughs, almost involuntarily, something that bubbles up out of his chest without any conscious thought. "For sure," he agrees.

Brandon turns onto his side and props himself up on one elbow. "You got any other high school fantasies you want to live out? I don't think we can make out under the bleachers, but maybe sneaking into the girls' locker room and finding one of the cheerleaders half out of her uniform?" Sean chuckles at that one, and at, "Star quarterback finds out the nerdy girl is secretly freaky?" He stops laughing at, "Naughty Catholic schoolgirl?"

It's not a fantasy Sean ever knew he had - like pretty much everything else about this thing with Brandon - but now that Brandon's said it, he's thinking about Brandon in that kind of pleated skirt and, like, the fucking knee socks, and yeah, it's doing it for him the same way the cheerleading uniform does.

"Really?" Brandon asks.

Sean drapes one arm over his eyes. "I guess so."

Brandon pats his arm. "Monny, you're a hell of a lot kinkier than I would have ever guessed." At least he sounds like he approves.


It's not like Sean forgets about the Catholic schoolgirl conversation. He jerks off thinking about it sometimes. But they hook up at least twice a week when they're at home, and Brandon doesn't bring it up again.

That's why it's a surprise when he goes over to Brandon's and Brandon opens the door wearing a Catholic schoolgirl uniform. The skirt is short, plaid, and pleated. The white shirt isn't one of his usual dress shirts; it's something softer and more feminine. The socks that come up to his knees are the same bright white.

Now it makes sense that Brandon told him to wear something teacher-like.

Brandon grins at whatever look of stupid lust Sean must have on his face. "Like it?" He does a little twirl.

Sean hauls him in for a kiss. "I can't believe the fucking things you do for me."

"Oh, not just for you." Brandon rubs against Sean so Sean can feel that he's already starting to get hard under his skirt. He kisses Sean one more time before he steps back and straightens his skirt. He puts a wide-eyed look on his face, and there's a matching earnestness to his voice when he says, "Mr. Monahan, I know what I did I was wrong, and I promise I'll never do it again."

Sean crosses his arms over his chest and does his best to look stern. "This isn't the first time you've gotten yourself in trouble with me, Miss Bollig."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Monahan." Brandon bites his lip, which could look silly since he's a big guy with a beard dressed up as a Catholic schoolgirl. Mostly it makes Sean want to be the one biting Brandon's lip. "I could make it up to you." He licks his lips.

Sean can definitely see that, Brandon on his knees in front of him in that outfit sucking him off. It's part of the visual he's been jerking off to when he thinks about this. But if they're going to do this, they might as well take it as far as he keeps thinking about.

"That's not going to be enough, Miss Bollig." Sean walks around Brandon and sits down on the couch. "You need to be punished. I think you've earned yourself a spanking this time." Brandon looks surprised by that, and Sean drops out of his stern teacher voice to ask, "Okay?"

A smile briefly tugs the corners of Brandon's eyes and mouth up, and he nods before the smile gets replaced with sulkiness. "A spanking? Come on, Mr. Monahan. It wasn't that bad."

"I'm the judge of that," Sean says, "and this wasn't the first time." He pats his lap. "Come on, Miss Bollig. You're only making things worse for yourself."

Brandon slouches over to Sean. His dick is hard enough to show through the skirt, and there's something bright about his eyes despite the scowl on his face. He folds over Sean's knees, and it takes the two of them a minute to figure out just where Brandon needs to be so he's both comfortable and in a good position for Sean to get to his ass.

Sean flips Brandon's skirt up. Brandon's not wearing anything under it.

"No underwear, Miss Bollig," Sean says, his voice losing some of its put-on sternness because it's always so hot that Brandon doesn't wear anything under his skirts. "I believe that's a dress code violation."

"Nobody was ever going to know," Brandon says sulkily.

"And if you hadn't gotten yourself in trouble, no one would have," Sean says. "You have only yourself to blame."

Sean can feel Brandon take in a breath, probably to argue with him some more, and that's when Sean spanks him for the first time. He doesn't hit Brandon hard - he doesn't want to actually hurt him - but the sound is shockingly loud. Sean pauses for a second. Brandon exhales loudly.

Probably Sean's supposed to like having Brandon at his mercy or something, but what he likes most about it is Brandon's skirt flipped up, Brandon's bare ass turning a light pink. He also likes the way Brandon gets harder while Sean spanks him. He can feel it, Brandon's cock against his thigh. Sean's getting hard too, and Brandon can probably tell from where he is.

When Sean thinks they've done the spanking thing enough - his hand is going to get tired if he goes much longer, and Brandon's ass is all pink splotches - he stops and unceremoniously dumps Brandon onto the floor.

Brandon fumbles onto his knees and looks up at Sean with wide eyes again.

Sean frowns down at Brandon sternly. "Miss Bollig, are you enjoying this? Did you forget that this is a punishment?"

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Monahan," Brandon says. He puts on a very apologetic expression. "I can make it up to you."

"How do you propose to do that?" Sean spreads his legs, letting his pants stretch across his dick and making it clear what he expects Brandon to do.

Brandon shuffles forward so he's right between Sean's legs. Sean keeps his stern expression as much as he can while Brandon unzips his pants and takes out his cock. It takes some real effort and concentration to look stern with Brandon's hands on his dick. Sean's pretty sure he loses the sternness completely when Brandon puts his mouth on his dick.

Sean knows that Brandon knows how to give a blowjob, but Brandon starts out tentative, mouthing at his cock in a way that feels good but isn't going to get him off. Sean's distracted by getting his dick sucked, so it takes him a minute to catch on.

He puts his hands in Brandon's hair and pulls him off his dick. "Miss Bollig," he says, "I'm sure you can do better than that. From what I've heard, you've had some practice at this."

Brandon's whole face turns bright red, and he looks down.

"That's what I thought," Sean says. "You can do better."

This time, Brandon does away with the pretense of incompetence, and Sean forgets all about the role playing. He keeps his hands in Brandon's hair, but leaves them gentle while Brandon sucks him off just short of ruthlessly.

Sean loses himself in it, the feel of Brandon's mouth around him, Brandon's hands resting on his thighs, the noises Brandon makes around his cock. He's pretty sure he's saying Brandon's name and some other sex-inspired meaningless syllables. He's definitely moaning by the time Brandon makes him come.

Sean slumps against the couch for a minute after he comes, breathing hard and looking down at Brandon still kneeling between his legs in that uniform.

The uniform reminds Sean of what they're doing, and that's what makes him struggle out of his orgasm-induced lethargy. He sits up, tucks himself back into his pants, and looks down at Brandon.

"Did that make it up to you, Mr. Monahan?" Brandon asks. His voice is a little rough from sucking Sean off.

"Yes it did, Miss Bollig," Sean says. "In fact, I think that was good enough that you've earned a little reward." He nudges Brandon's knee with his foot. "You can get yourself off now."

Brandon doesn't question him, which probably means he's too turned on by what they've been doing to play the naughty schoolgirl. He flips his skirt up to bare his dick and then wraps his hand around it.

Sean watches him jerk off for a minute, the slick slide of his hand over his dick. Then he nudges Brandon's knee again. "Open your shirt, Miss Bollig. Let me see your tits."

Brandon swears under his breath, but he lets go of his dick and unbuttons the shirt. He looks dirty like this, like someone's messed him up a little, shirt open, skirt flipped up, mouth still swollen and wet from sucking Sean off, dick hard and curving up toward his belly.

"Yeah." Sean settles in like he's getting comfortable for the show. "Keep going," he says. "I want to see you make yourself come."

It's true, and it works to make Brandon start touching himself again. He jerks himself off fast this time, like he's afraid Sean might make him stop again. Sean won't, but he doesn't tell Brandon that; he's enjoying the show.

Brandon must be really fucking turned on, because it takes no time at all before he's moaning Sean's name and coming all over his hand and thighs and skirt.

Sean leans forward and runs his hand through Brandon's hair. Brandon lets out a sigh and leans against Sean's knee.

"You okay?" Sean asks. "I didn't hit you too hard?"

"Nah, I can take it," Brandon says. He wipes his hand off on his skirt, then hauls himself off the floor and onto Sean's lap. He kisses Sean very thoroughly before he says anything else. "You are really fucking kinky."

Sean can feel himself turning red. "Uh."

Brandon laughs. "That's a compliment, baby." He kisses Sean again, soft and so sweet in comparison to everything else they've done today. "Seriously, best fucking sex of my life."

"Mine too," Sean says. He runs his hands up and down Brandon's back, over the blouse he's still half wearing. "I wasn't into sex until I started thinking about you like this," he admits. "Like, I got off, but." He shrugs. "It wasn't anything I wanted to do again like I do now."

It's probably the first time he's really surprised Brandon since the very first time. "Really?"

Sean nods.

"Seriously kinky," Brandon says, and he leans in to kiss Sean again.


The Catholic schoolgirl uniform doesn't make it into the regular rotation of things Brandon wears when they hook up like the cheerleading uniforms do, but Brandon wears it once in a while. The hook up on the road sometimes, which is risky, but Brandon has his own room and the guys all know they're friends, so not as risky as it could be. They start going on what Sean can't call anything but dates: going to the movies, going out to dinner just the two of them, cuddling on Brandon's couch while they watch their way through Arrested Development on Netflix.

Sean's kind of expecting to do something with Brandon between their last game of the season and the beginning of the playoffs. The last game is an afternoon one, so they're not out celebrating too late, and they get a complete day off after that.

Brandon's text says, Come over. Dress nice. Tux if you have one, or your best suit.

Sean does not have a tux, and it's probably too short notice to rent one. Probably not a good idea to rent one anyway, given what he and Brandon do when they dress up. Too late to buy one. Maybe if Brandon had told him whatever he was planning earlier.

Sean does have a black suit that fits him well, which he wears with a crisp white shirt and one of the ties hanging in his closet that's already tied so he can just slip it over his head and tighten it. It would probably be better to have a freshly tied tie, but he doesn't want to endure the questions he would get if he asked Lance to tie one for him.

Sean's pretty sure that whatever they're doing is going to be good - it pretty much always is - but he doesn't quite expect what he gets when Brandon lets him into his apartment. Brandon's in a dress, turquoise, with sequins and made out of whatever the fuck they make dresses out of that makes the skirt take up more space than you would think fabric could. The top of it has a sort of m-curve like it's supposed to be highlighting boobs, and there are skinny straps going from that over Brandon's shoulder. He's wearing makeup again, his lips more pink and less red this time, and the glittery stuff on his eyelids is all blues and greens to match his dress.

Sean's a hockey player, which means he's a big, strong guy. Still, looking at Brandon dressed like that makes his knees go weak. Whatever greeting he was going to give comes out as just garbled noise.

Brandon smiles at him, and it lights up his whole face. "Like it?" He does a slow spin. The back of the dress dips down his back, showing off his tattoo.

"Yeah," Sean manages. He reaches out for Brandon. Brandon comes willingly to him, and Sean kisses him. It's probably smearing his lipstick, but Sean doesn't care; Brandon did this for him, and he deserves a kiss for that at least.

Sean runs his hands down Brandon's back, feeling the bare expanse of it and the place where skin gives way to the fabric of his dress. "I didn't get you a corsage."

Brandon laughs. "I didn't tell you we were going to prom." He kisses Sean's cheek. "And I didn't get you a boutonniere anyway." He steps away from Sean and over to where his phone is plugged into the speakers. He has it set to play something soft and slow.

"Are we slow dancing?" Sean kicks off his shoes and meets Brandon in the middle of the room.

"It's prom. There's dancing at prom." Brandon puts his arms over Sean's shoulders.

Sean chuckles, and rests his hands at the small of Brandon's back. "Is this your high school fantasy?"

Brandon shrugs. "I actually went to my prom." He looks down. "I wore a tux that time."

"Is the dress better?" Sean asks. Not that he would object to slow dancing with Brandon in a tux.

"The date's better." Brandon plays with the hair at the back of Sean's neck. "You know, I have this hot jock boyfriend who likes it when I dress up."

That sends something through Sean that's like the calmer version of how he feels when Brandon calls him baby. He doesn't quite know what to say to it, so he just pulls Brandon close enough that Brandon can put his head down on Sean's shoulder.

Sean's not a great dancer or anything, but there's not a lot of skill involved in swaying to the music and shuffling around the room. It's not like he has a problem holding Brandon close. He does ask, "How much dancing does this prom have?" after the third song.

Brandon lifts his head off of Sean's shoulder. "Getting bored already?"

"No." Sean rubs his hands up and down Brandon's lower back. "But I have this hot cheerleader girlfriend."

Brandon laughs. He steps back a little and slides his hands under the lapels of Sean's suit jacket. "There's a lot of dancing at prom. Enough that it gets pretty hot."

Sean takes the hint and unbuttons his jacket so Brandon can push it off his shoulders. Sean takes it from him and drapes it over the arm of the sofa. He pulls his tie off and drapes it over the jacket. Then, with Brandon still watching him, he unbuttons the top two buttons of his shirt. He unbuttons his cuffs too, and rolls his sleeves halfway up his arms.

"What about you?"

Brandon shrugs. "Girls usually just take off their high heels." He lifts up part of his skirt so Sean can see his bare feet. He lets his skirt drop and steps into Sean again. "There's probably some making out too."

Sean kisses him, soft like they're teenagers at a dance. They make out for a little bit while they shuffle in circles around Brandon's living room. The kissing doesn't stay soft and slow. It can't, not when Sean has Brandon in a fucking prom dress in his arms. Their dancing doesn't stay that way either. It's slow for a bit, but then Sean slides one hand down to Brandon's ass and pulls him closer, and then instead of dancing in slow circles, they're grinding against each other, still kind of slow, but out of sync with the music still coming from Brandon's speakers. Sean's hard. There's too much fabric in Brandon's dress to tell if he is too, but he's moving with Sean, so probably.

Brandon's lipstick is half gone when he stops kissing Sean. "I got us a room for tonight." He says it straight, but there's a grin in the way the corners of his eyes crinkle up.

Sean lets the feeling of lustful gratitude for Brandon roll through him. "What are we still doing here then?"

Brandon laughs. "Had to show off my boyfriend to all the other cheerleaders." He detours past his phone to turn off the music, then leads Sean to his bedroom.

Sean catches Brandon around the waist and pulls him in to kiss him, nibble down his neck. "You look so pretty."

"Prom night," Brandon says. "Gotta look good." He pulls away from Sean, but it's only to go over to the bed. He stretches out on it, on his back, head propped up on a pillow. He reaches over to the nightstand, and then puts two things down on the bed next to his hip. The bottle of lube is familiar. The condom is not.

"Uh," Sean says, unable to form any other words.

"Even the non-slutty cheerleaders go all the way on prom night." Brandon's words are light, but the look in his eyes is serious.

Sean stretches out over him on the bed and kisses him, too overwhelmed to do anything else. They haven't done this yet, haven't even talked about it, for all the times Sean's fingered Brandon.

Brandon threads his fingers into Sean's hair. "Come on, baby. You don't even have to talk me into it."

Sean rests his forehead on Brandon's. "You're really great, you know that?"

Brandon smiles, soft and happy, and leans up enough to kiss Sean lightly. "It's a good thing I like what you like." Then he smacks Sean's ass. "You have a cheerleader in a prom dress who wants your dick. Get to work."

Sean laughs even as his dick gets harder. He sits up and looks down at Brandon spread out under him. Brandon doesn't seem inclined to take the dress off, and Sean likes looking at him like this.

There's a lot of fabric making up the skirt of Brandon's dress, and the effort it takes for Sean to gather it all up and move it out of his way makes Brandon laugh. Sean laughs too, then stops when he gets the skirt up over Brandon's waist and finds out that Brandon's not wearing anything under it.

Sean swears under his breath and leans down to kiss Brandon again. "I don't know why you're always saying I'm the kinky one."

Brandon blushes, his cheeks visibly turning red under his beard. "I guess we're both kinky."

"Yeah, I guess." Sean opens the lube and lets it warm against his skin before he presses a finger into Brandon. He's done this before - he's done this kind of a lot - but knowing that he's going to fuck Brandon after he fingers him makes him uncertain, like the first time they did this.

He goes slow, like the first time. He bends over Brandon and kisses him while he moves that one finger carefully inside Brandon.

Brandon nudges Sean's arm with his knee. "You know, I'm not actually a virgin going all the way for the first time on prom night. You can go a little faster."

Brandon knows better than Sean what he can take, so Sean adds more lube and a second finger. Brandon's red from his face all the way down his chest to the edge of his dress. His cock is hard and thick where it juts up, the skirt of Brandon's dress a turquoise backdrop that makes the color of it stand out even more. He moves into the press of Sean's fingers. It's another one of those moments that's going to make it into Sean's spank bank, and his top ten sexual experiences.

"I don't know if I'm going to last long enough for this," Sean confesses.

"Then hurry up," Brandon says. "I can take another one now."

Sean kisses him, spending some time with it, moving his fingers a little, but mostly just kissing Brandon. "You have to be able to skate."

Brandon cups his hand around Sean's cheek. "I'm good," he says. "Come on. I bet none of the other cheerleaders' boyfriends are going this slow."

Sean laughs. "Are you trying to peer pressure me into sex? I think I'm supposed to say no to that." He doesn't, squeezes out more lube and gives Brandon a third finger.

"I think you're supposed to be peer pressuring me into it," Brandon says. He squirms against Sean's fingers. "A little-"

Sean stretches Brandon with his fingers, twists them a little.

"Yeah, like that." Brandon arches into Sean's touch, the skirt under him outlining the tension in his thighs.

Sean finds the place that makes Brandon gasp and swear. He brushes over it a few times as he stretches his fingers, opening Brandon up. He doesn't think about what he's opening Brandon up for; he's already so hard he won't be able to last long enough to fuck Brandon if he does.

Brandon curls himself up, one hand hooking around the back of Sean's head to draw him in for a kiss that Brandon gasps into when Sean moves his fingers just right.

"Okay," Brandon says. "I'm good." He squeezes the back of Sean's neck. "Put the condom on and get your dick in me."

Sean takes in a sharp breath, and he has to kiss Brandon, bite into his mouth, before he can sit back and take his fingers out of Brandon.

His fingers slip on the condom wrapper, enough that Brandon takes it and tears it open for him. Sean hasn't gotten undressed any farther than the jacket and tie left in the living room. He doesn't bother now. He tugs his shirt out of his pants, opens his fly, and gets his dick out.

Sean takes the condom from Brandon, rolls it onto his dick. He adds more lube, trying to touch himself as little as possible in the process so he doesn't come before he gets into Brandon.

Brandon's still laid out in front of him, and when Sean shuffles forward, knees between Brandon's legs, Brandon tips his hips up and smiles at Sean.

"Come on, baby. It's prom night."

Sean chuckles at that, but then the intensity of it hits him again, and he has to make himself remember to even breathe while he carefully guides himself into Brandon. His first thought is that it's so much better than the Fleshlight. Brandon's warm and tight around him, and Sean gets to look at him while they do this. As good as Brandon has looked the whole night, he looks even better with Sean's dick in him. Sean rubs at the inside of Brandon's thigh.

Brandon puts his hand over Sean's, stilling it. "I'm good. You can move."

Sean takes him at his word, and rocks his hips in a thrust that's as slow and steady as he can make it. He does that a couple more times, then bends down to kiss Brandon. They both shift when that happens, and Sean sinks just that little bit deeper into Brandon.

Brandon gasps and grabs at Sean's shoulders. "Like that. Just like that, baby."

Sean does his best to keep their relative positions while he thrusts into Brandon. It takes a lot of effort and all his concentration, so it's a good thing that Brandon wraps a hand around his own dick and starts jerking himself off. It's also too hot for words.

Sean's hanging on to his control with the barest thread of willpower. He loses even that when Brandon says, "Come on, baby. Give it to me."

Sean kisses him, messy and frantic, and gives up trying to keep an even rhythm. He thrusts hard and uneven into Brandon, letting his body and the way it feels guide him. It feels amazing, even better every time he looks at Brandon. His lipstick is smudged, sweat is starting to bead at his hairline, and he's jerking himself off just as hard as Sean's fucking him. And then there's the dress around him, a turquoise background to what they're doing that reminds Sean with every rustle of the fabric just how good Brandon's been to him.

It seems impossible, but Brandon comes first. Sean watches him, the jerk of his cock in his hand, the O of his mouth. It takes an effort to keep his eyes open, to keep looking at Brandon while he thrusts hard and fast into him, less than a minute more before it's too much and he squeezes his eyes shut as he comes.

Sean holds onto the base of the condom as he pulls out, and he pauses to kiss Brandon very thoroughly before he gets up to throw away the condom and wash his hands. "You want a towel or something?" he calls to Brandon from the bathroom.

"Washcloth," Brandon calls back. "On the shelf."

Sean runs the washcloth under warm water and brings it to Brandon, who takes it from him to clean himself up, then hands it back.

"Just throw it in the sink," Brandon says.

Sean does that, turns off the light in the bathroom, and gets back in bed with Brandon. They're both still mostly dressed, and Sean likes looking at Brandon like this, messy with what they just did, as much as he liked looking at him before when he was so put together.

"We made a mess out of your dress," Sean says.

"I'm sure dry cleaners have seen worse on prom dresses." Brandon turns his head toward Sean. "And we're just going to make a mess again next time I wear it, so it doesn't matter if it stains."

Sean likes the promise of next time as much as he likes looking at Brandon in the dress this time. He puts one arm over Brandon and runs a hand up and down Brandon's arm.

Brandon smiles at him and runs his fingers through Sean's hair. It feels good, the touching and being touched.

"Next time, huh?" Sean asks.

"Well," Brandon says, "prom is the end of the year, so you might have to wait a while for it to come around again."

That's even better than just the vague promise of there being a next time.

"So I'll just plan to come over for prom between the end of next season and next year's playoffs." Sean knows he's smiling kind of like a goofball, but it's not like he can do anything else.

"Not here." Brandon keeps playing with Sean's hair. "I think I found a place for next year."

"Oh yeah?" Sean's heard a little bit about that, both from what Brandon's told him about looking for a new place to live and from what he's overheard Brandon asking the guys about real estate.

"Mmhmm. It's a house. Probably smarter if I have someone else sharing the rent."

That's probably true given what Sean knows about Calgary's real estate market. It's going to make what they're doing harder, maybe. It might be better with a stranger who doesn't know or care about them. Or maybe it would be better with one of the guys who will know how important it is not to talk about what they might figure out.

"Are you going to ask one of the guys to move in with you?"

Brandon tugs at Sean's hair, not hard enough to hurt. "I'm trying to ask you." He runs his fingers gently through Sean's hair. "Since we're going steady and all."

Sean's first thought is that that's going to make doing this so much easier. His second thought is that they're going to get to do this a lot more. His third thought is that maybe Brandon will cook for them all the time. Those thoughts probably take too long because Brandon pulls his hair again, a little sharper this time.

"I mean, we are going steady," Sean says with a grin he can't even begin to contain. He rolls toward Brandon and kisses him, and it's good and a little silly with both of them grinning and still in their prom clothes.

"Just don't expect me to wear a frilly apron every day," Brandon says.

Sean considers that for a second, and his disinterest must show on his face because Brandon asks, "Not into the 50s housewife?"

"Guess not," Sean says with a shrug.

"Huh." Brandon goes back to running his hand through Sean's hair. "Well, we'll have plenty of chances to figure out what else you might be into."


Moving into the new house involves some compromise about furniture and household items. Brandon's bed becomes their bed. Sean buys furniture for the other bedroom so they have something to show if the team ever asks them to do a house tour. They set up Brandon's TV with Sean's Xbox. They buy a new couch together. Brandon brings all of his dishes and cookware. Sean buys a better toaster than the one Brandon had. Brandon laughs when Sean puts a picture of his dog on the nightstand on his side of the bed, but then he kisses Sean and runs a gentle finger across the top of the frame. The pictures of their families go on the mantelpiece in the living room and the walls in the entryway.

Sean's alone in the living room, lying on the couch and playing around on his phone, when Brandon texts him, Come out to the garage.

Sean hasn't seen Brandon in a while - just because they're living together now doesn't mean they're with each other all the time - so he figures maybe Brandon went grocery shopping and is going to make him carry in bags or something.

That is not what's happening. Sean takes one step into the garage and then stops to stare. Brandon's in the cheerleading uniform Sean bought for him, the Flames one. He's wearing bright red lipstick and glittery gold stuff on his eyes. There are white sneakers on his feet, one of them on the ground, the other kicked up against the car he's leaning on. Sean's car.

Sean underestimated how hot it would be to see Brandon dressed up for him in their house.

Brandon tosses him something Sean doesn't recognize as lube until he catches it.

"The really slutty cheerleaders," Brandon says, "let their dates finger them in the back seats of their cars."

Sean manages a disbelieving laugh before he takes the few steps from the door to Brandon. He presses Brandon into the car as he kisses him, licking deep into Brandon's mouth while Brandon loops his arms around Sean's neck.

"Fuck," Sean says. "You're so fucking hot." He hooks one hand under Brandon's ass, hitching Brandon a little tighter against him.

Brandon's bright smile, nothing there but pure happiness, does just as much to make Sean enjoy this as the outfit does. He rubs up against Sean, enough that it feels really good where Sean's starting to get hard. Then he pushes Sean back and reaches behind himself to open the car door.

"Come on, baby," Brandon says. "Don't you want to get me in the back seat of your car?"

Sean's fingers flex around the lube he's still holding in one hand. "Yeah," he says. "Yeah, come on. Prettiest cheerleader in school, of course I want to get you in the back seat of my car."

Brandon flashes him a grin as he gets into the car, and Sean can barely believe how lucky he is.

"Fuck, you're the best."

"I know," Brandon says. He holds out a hand to Sean. "Come on already."

Sean gives another disbelieving laugh and gets into the car.

sean monahan, fic: real person slash, brandon bollig/sean monahan, hockey, brandon bollig, fic: slash, fic by me

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