Plot Bunnies: AGally & Prusty, TCrosby/HKnight, California foursome (1300 words, Teen)

Mar 31, 2015 08:02

For the last day of 31 Days of Fic, here is a post full of various plot bunnies. I hope you've enjoyed this month of ficcish things! I'm glad to have cleared out all of my old drafts and snippets to make room for new things.

"Why did you bring home a kitten?" Maripier asks. "I'm not sure how Lola feels about cats."

"She might like this one," Brandon says. "It's Alex. Galchenyuk." Maripier still looks skeptical, but then Alex scowls at her.

"That is him," Maripier says with a laugh. "Come here, let's introduce you and make sure Lola won't try to eat you." She nuzzles at the top of Alex's head because he's too cute not to. He makes a grumpy sound at first, but then starts purring.

Brandon and Maripier crouch down to introduce Alex like this to Lola, both of them ready to intervene if it goes wrong.

Lola sniffs at Alex, and then licks his face. He yowls in protest, his tiny claws coming out to defend himself.

Maripier yanks him away before he can swipe at Lola. "Well," she says, "I guess Lola wasn't the one we had to worry about."


Plot bunny: Prusty gets traded. Alex is fine, okay? He's fine. (He's not fine. He misses Prusty a lot.)

"I know you miss Prusty," P.K. says. "You can call him, or text him. I talked to him yesterday."

Alex shrugs P.K. off with an indistinctly muttered non-reply.

They go to play where Prusty is and P.K. takes the Gallys to dinner with him.

Brandon grins and hugs P.K. and Gally, and then Alex. "Hey, Chucky."

"Hi," Alex mumbles.

P.K. and Gally don't say anything about Alex and Brandon hugging for a long time.

Once they've hung out, Alex starts texting Prusty. It's just occasionally, at first, like he thinks he has to be careful about it. But eventually they text a lot, and Alex is the one having "Prusty said" conversations with people.

Sometimes on the road the Gallys Skype with him, the two of them jostling each other on one bed while Brandon tells them to settle down.

They mostly just talk, but Brandon also gives them advice, about dating, about hooking up without being a jerk, about hockey.


Maybe fic where sex has never been that great for Alex, and then he hooks up with Brandon who roughs him up a little during. He hooks up with some other people after that, trying to figure out if he wants sex with men or kinky sex. And then probably he figures out he wants kinky sex with men, but kinky sex with Brandon is the best.


I want a story where AGally has some ideas about what sex is supposed to be like. Brandon has more experience, so he notices that while it's good, it's not getting to Alex the way he knows sex can get to a person. So he pays close attention and figures out that maybe Alex doesn't like sex that's very rough. So then he completely takes Alex apart by being so soft and gentle with him. And then they negotiate their relationship so that sometimes they have sex that's soft and gentle and sometimes its rougher and harder and they're both happy about it.


"You know you're like two doors down," Brandon says when he answers Gally's call. "You could have knocked on my door if you wanted to hear my voice."

"Uh, yeah," Gally says. "Could you come to our room?"

"If you need help picking out what to wear, I can already tell you nothing you brought looks good."

"It's not that," Gally says. "Can you just come here?"

"If this is a prank," Brandon says as he walks out of his room and down the hallway.

"It's not," Gally says. "Uh, not one I'm pulling anyway."

Brandon braces himself when he knocks on the Gallys' door. He is still not prepared for Gally answering the door and then a kid who doesn't even come up to either of their waists saying, "Prusty!"

The kid is wearing a far too large shirt Brandon recognizes from earlier, and his expression is one Brandon's familiar with.

"Uh," Brandon says, and then to the kid, "Hi, Chucky."

"Hi." Chucky waves at him. "Gally's being boring."

"Gally's being freaked out," Gally mutters, and that means it's definitely up to Brandon to be the adult in this situation.

"Okay," Brandon says, "here's what we're going to do. You," he points at Gally, "are going to go find someone with kids and go get some clothes for Chucky." He eyeballs Chucky. "How old are you?"

"Four." Chucky holds up four fingers to illustrate that.

"Clothes for a four-year-old," Brandon says. "We," he reaches out for Chucky's hand, "are going to go hang with somebody who is not boring."

Chucky disdains taking his hand, but he does rush out of the room ahead of Brandon. "Can we see P.K.?"

"Clothes," Brandon says to Gally, before he directs Chucky the other way down the hall.

He doesn't warn P.K. they're coming, but as usual, P.K. just rolls with it when he opens the door.

"Hey, buddy," he says to Chucky.

"Hi, P.K.!" Chucky beams up at P.K. "Gally's boring."

P.K. raises an eyebrow at Brandon.

"I sent Gally to find some clothes," Brandon says.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," P.K. says. He lets them in and claps his hands. "Let's have some fun, right, boys?"

P.K. turns out to know all kinds of ways to entertain a toddler in a small, inside space, and he has a bunch of toddler-friendly games on his iPad.

When Alex gets super tired and cranky, he fusses in Russian, and Brandon gets Gonch to translate that he just wants his mom. Gonch says Alex can stay with him for the night, and he also retrieves Alex's phone from the Gallys' room so they can FaceTime Alex's family.

They get him some gear and a couple of the guys get out on the ice for morning skate a little early to skate with him. When they fly home and Alex's mom and sister come to pick him up, he's all smiles when he describes scoring on Carey.


Hilary's more likely to get recognized by lesbians - stereotypes exist for a reason - but she still goes to gay bars sometimes. She's out on the floor dancing, and she sees this flash of a face she recognizes, flushed round cheeks. And she would just let Taylor be, but Taylor recognizes her, and her eyes go wide. So Hilary goes over to talk to her and promise that she'll keep Taylor's secrets just like she keeps her own.

And then they become friends! And here I'm going to handwave like three years of hanging out. They go out to eat, Hilary shoots pucks at Taylor, they go to hockey games together. Hilary goes to Pittsburgh with Taylor on a weekend when neither one of them is playing, and Taylor loans her a Pens shirt to wear to the game.

At some point later, Hilary's talking to Amanda on the phone, and she asks her something about being Phil's sister, like if it's weird for her, and what's helpful to hear from someone else in that situation.

"Wait a minute," Amanda says. "Are you dating Taylor Crosby?"

"No!" Hilary says. And then, "Maybe? I don't know." Amanda laughs at her and eventually Hilary and Taylor actually date. The End.


I've been thinking about Jeff and Megan's giant couch. They have a drunken foursome with Mike and Lindsey.

After they all talk about it and decide it's cool, Megan keeps coming into the living room to find Mike and Jeff making out on the couch. They're like teenagers who can't get enough of each other now that they know they can have each other.

They're making out on the couch AGAIN, Megan texts Lindsey.

Give them a break, Lindsey texts back. They just figured out it's okay to make out with your bff.

I know that, Megan sends, but I bought that couch because I like it. I want to sit on it sometime.

maripier morin, taylor crosby, p.k. subban, fic: real person slash, plot bunnies, mike richards, fic: real person het, fic: femslash, jeff carter/mike richards/lindsey/megan, 31 days of fic, fic: gen, jeff carter, fic by me, maripier morin/brandon prust, brandon prust, fic: het, hilary knight, taylor crosby/hilary knight, fic: slash, alex galchenyuk/brandon prust, alex galchenyuk, fic: real person gen, hockey, brendan gallagher

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