Plot Bunny: Megan's Guide to Dating Danny Briere (Jeff/Megan/Danny, 280 words, Mature)

Mar 20, 2015 07:47

Given how long Jeff and Megan have been together, she was probably around in the summer of 2010 when Danny was partying with Jeff. I was throwing out ideas about this, and lakeeffectgirl called it "Megan's Guide to Dating Danny Briere." If I'd written this as a story, that would have been the title, and it would have been broken up into sections with Megan's advice as the section headers. Instead, there are just some bits of it that I played around with.

First she tries setting him up with other people, which only sort of works, and eventually it ends up with a Jeff/Megan/Danny threesome.

Megan climbs into Danny's lap. She's small enough that she fits there, and he doesn't have to tilt his head up very far to kiss her. Carts sits next to them on the couch, watching them make out with one hand on Megan's back.

Alternately: Maybe a couple of Megan's friends from Hooters come to the beach for a weekend, and they're all partying, and Megan just keeps nudging at them until one of them goes over and flirts with Danny.

Idly thinking about Megan finding women for Danny in summer 2010: "Look," Megan says, "it's not a big deal. You don't even have to if you don't want, but he's super nice, he's pretty cute, he's rich, and he just got divorced. I bet all you have to do to make him happy is go down on him."

"I just don't know what he wants," Megan says to Jeff over dinner after she gets off the phone with another friend who had fun on one date with Danny but didn't get a call after that.

"Commitment," Jeff says.

"But he just got divorced."

Jeff shrugs. "It's been almost a year. She was his high school sweetheart and he has an eight-year contract. He wants commitment."

Some other time, they have Danny over for dinner, and Megan asks him, "What are you looking for in a woman?"

Danny looks at both of them like he's trying to decide something. "I'm not sure I am looking for a woman," he says.

fic: real person slash, danny briere, fic: het, plot bunnies, fic: real person het, fic: slash, danny briere/jeff carter/megan, 31 days of fic, jeff carter, hockey, fic by me

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