Plot Bunny: Carters/Toffoli kneeling AU (400 words, Mature)

Mar 15, 2015 08:11

This is a companion of sorts to the Pears/Richie kneeling AU. (Well, actually the Pears/Richie was supposed to be adjacent to this, but that's the one I wrote.) While Tanner is assigned to Mike, Tyler is assigned to Jeff. I talked a lot about this, but never actually wrote the story. There's also a Mike and Jeff talking about Pears bit in here.

I keep telling myself bits of the story about Toffoli kneeling for Jeff and Jeff leaves him there with Megan while he takes the dogs for a walk, and it's not right because Jeff's supposed to be taking care of him and Megan isn't even looking at him, just typing away on her laptop and this isn't what it's supposed to be like, and then she lifts one leg and rests her ankle on his shoulder and she's still not looking at him or noticeably paying attention to him and it's so fucking hot his whole brain goes white. (The rest of the porn is all about them just using him and he's super into it. And I don't know that I can actually write it because I know nothing about Toffoli and it might be all wrong for him.)

When Jeff comes back, he kisses Megan and then comes to stand behind Tyler and makes him jerk off. Megan keeps her ankle resting on his shoulder the whole time and he can't move too much or it'll distract her from her work.

At some point in the Toffoli kneeling AU, Jeff and Megan would put him between them, and they'd keep kissing over his shoulder and only talking to each other, like Jeff is just using Tyler to fuck Megan, not for his own merits.

Other Toffoli thing: maybe in the kneeling AU threesome, sometimes Megan and Jeff make cupcakes and then make Tyler wait and wait and wait before he gets to have any.

The kneeling!AU threesome (well, less threesome and more Megan and Jeff taking turns using Toffoli's mouth) I'm not writing:

Tyler goes home with Carts. It was a rough game, his head still all buzzing.

Jeff makes him kneel down right in front of the couch and leaves him there.

Tyler can hear the murmur of Jeff and Megan's voices, and he lets his eyes slip closed, trying to fall into the quiet place kneeling is supposed to take him. He thinks maybe being so close to the couch means he's going to get to fuck his own mouth on Jeff's cock, but the legs that hook over his shoulders a few minutes later are too small and light for that. When he opens his eyes, it's Megan's bare thighs he sees. He doesn't look any higher than that, no matter how much he wants to.

"Tyler," Jeff says. His hand is heavy on the back of Tyler's head, and he's pushing him forward. "Get to work."


In the kneeling AU, Mike goes over to Jeff and Megan's to hang out one day, and while it's just the two of them, he asks, "How are things going with Pears?"

Mike almost drops his Gatorade. "Uh, good. Fine."

Jeff gives him a weird look. "You sure, buddy? I know that's not-"

"It's fine," Mike says. "We're, uh, working it out." He looks at Jeff. "You're not asking because he doesn't seem okay, are you?"

"No," Jeff says. "Just checking in." He thumps Mike's shoulder. "But if you've got it covered."

"Yeah," Mike says. "Yeah, we're good."

jeff carter/megan/tyler toffoli, fic: real person slash, fic: het, plot bunnies, mike richards, fic: real person het, fic: slash, tyler toffoli, tanner pearson/mike richards, 31 days of fic, jeff carter, hockey, fic by me

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