Snippet: AGally and Prusty bed sharing (Hockey, Gen, 450 words, General Audiences)

Mar 04, 2015 08:20

In the story where Scherbak is Alex's rookie:

They're roughhousing on their way down the hotel hallway, Brandon wrestling Alex toward the wall while Alex does his best to push him away. He's getting better at it, but Brandon still has the upper hand.

"You're supposed to be helping me," Alex says, directed at either Gally or Scherbak.

Gally just laughs at him, and Scherbak looks like he doesn't know whose lead to follow.

Despite the four of them being kind of loud, they all hear, and turn toward, the sound of a door opening.

Carey doesn't say anything, just gives them all a very clear and very judgmental look.

Brandon straightens up and lets Alex go. "Sorry, Pricer," he says. "I'll make the kids keep it down."

Gally laughs. "You're the one tackling Chucky in hallways."

"Just go to your room," Brandon says, mock sternly. He waves at Carey, who nods at him and goes back into his room.

Alex grabs at Brandon's arm before he can get very far down the hallway. "You should come hang out with us."

He looks oddly serious about it, and Brandon isn't in a hurry to go back to his room alone, so he follows them all into the Gallys' room. Brandon being there apparently throws a wrench into their usual works, because Scherbak hangs back a minute until the rest of them are sitting - Brandon with Alex on one bed and Gally on the other bed - before he takes a place on the bed with Gally.

It's fun. Brandon likes hanging out with the Gallys, and Scherbak is smart, and has a good sense of when it's appropriate to go off on Russian-language tangents with Alex and when it's not.

Gally finds a movie on TV, something dumb with lots of explosions, possibly directed by Michael Bay. Brandon doesn't see the end of it because he falls asleep and wakes up later when Alex is shifting the covers under him.

"Shit," Brandon mutters. "I'll go."

"You don't have to," Alex says. "Just get under the covers if you're staying."

That Brandon can do without waking all the way up, and he falls right back into sleep.

He wakes up in the morning to the sound of the hotel room door closing. Alex is still asleep, and Gally and Scherbak are gone.

Brandon slips out of bed carefully, trying not to wake Alex. He's just to the alcove inside the door when Alex says, "Prusty?"

"Yeah?" Brandon turns back. Alex is propped up on his elbows, hair standing up, blinking at him.

"I'm glad you hung out with us," Alex says, serious and solemn.

Brandon smiles at him. "Me too. See you at breakfast."

brandon prust, fic: gen, 31 days of fic, alex galchenyuk, nikita scherbak, fic: real person gen, fic by me, brendan gallagher

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